bitch || chaelisa

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"Nice shoes," Jennie says, cutting Lisa off mid-sentence to laugh at Chaeyoung. She closes the door of her locker with a bang, leaning against it and peering around Lisa to get a better look.

Chaeyoung never seems to have a problem with the crowd, everyone just seems to make way for her with minimal effort on her part. Lisa turns around in time to see Chaeyoung oll her eyes so hard they might just give up all together and pop out. Chaeyoung flips Jennie off and just continues to shuffle over in these stained, rank canvas shoes that cannot actually belong to her. She makes a face, ducking her chin a little bit as if she wants to die rather than walk around in them and Lisa has to hide a small smile behind her folder. She's usually immaculately dressed, looks like she's wearing a completely different outfit every day which is just ridiculous. But Chaeyoung s ridiculous most of the time and Lisa's known her since they were babies, she can't remember Chaeyoung ever passing up a chance to look good.

"My heel broke off again," Chaeyoung ays through gritted teeth when she reaches them.

Jennie wrinkles her nose down at them because they smell. Like somebody who didn't wear socks on a regular basis just left their shoes somewhere one day and they ended up in the lost and found box. Lisa vaguely remembers BamBam walking around barefoot a couple of weeks ago and jumping on people, trying to get them to piggy back him to his classes.

"You need to stop wearing heels to college," Jisoo says, scaring the shit out of Lisa.

Jisoo laughs at Lisa and reaches over her shoulder to flick one of Chaeyoung's versized earrings with her index finger. Chaeyoung makes a face and flips her off too.

As soon as the bell rings, Jennie and Jisoo both race down the hallway, grabbing at each other's hands. Lisa stares after them in disbelief because she knows they've got History and, yeah, the sub is pretty cute but Jisoo just pushed a boy out of the way with her elbow and he's on the ground now, blinking in confusion. Lisa considers apologising on Jisoo's behalf but Chaeyoung rabs her arm and pulls her closer.

"Swap with me," Chaeyoung emands.

"What?" Lisa says, thinking she didn't hear right with all the hustle and bustle of students going off to class. She looks down at her sensible creepers and back up at Chaeyoung.

"C'mon, these smell weird," Chaeyoung hines, readjusting the strap of her fancy bag. It's a big bag and she usually pulls out a variety of things that has saved all of their arses a whole bunch of times but Lisa's not sure she carries any books with her.

"Why would I want to wear them then?" Lisa asks, bewildered.

"Pleaaaaaase, I'm going out with Chanyeol at lunch and I don't want to smell like these shoes," Chaeyoung says, tugging on the front of Lisa's shirt and pulling a tragic face. "Lisa, I said please!"

Lisa tries to keep the long-suffering sigh for longer a little bit longer, stalling. "Alright alright, keep your pants on," Lisa mumbles under her breath, toeing her shoes off.

Chaeyoung wriggles her feet out of the trainers immediately and shoves them at Lisa's feet. She slips into Lisa's shoes and smiles widely at her, leaning forward to give her a quick hug and a kiss to her cheek.

"Thanks, babe. I'll see you later, yeah? Come over after," Chaeyoung ays, starting to walk off. She turns around to wave at Lisa for a moment and disappears off to her class. Or maybe not, Lisa has trouble keeping up with what Chaeyoung ight be doing when they're not actually in class together.

Lisa closes her eyes and makes a sound of despair when she's sure she's gone. She slumps against Jennie's locker, her forehead hitting the metal and she hears something fall inside. It's probably something from her shrine to their History teacher. Lisa makes a face at herself, feeling pathetic and smelly and touches her fingertips to the sticky leftover lip gloss on her cheeks. She can't help thinking that's exactly how she feels about Chaeyoung. Sticky and smudgy left-overs. Lisa looks down at her phone and starts running to her class in the trainers because somewhere along the lines of comparing herself to Chaeyoung's lipgloss, she's become late.

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