protect || jensoo

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While flirting in the kitchen, Jennie accidentally causes disaster and Jisoo gets hurt.


"That smells amazing," Jisoo sighed, coming into the kitchen.

Jennie grinned at her from the stove and poked her with the handle of a spoon.

"Kimchi fried rice the way my mom taught me. You're getting a taste of my childhood tonight."

"Sounds good to me." Jisoo cuddled her girlfriend's back and kissed her neck.

Lucy kissed her again, holding Jennie's hips as her lips slid up toward her ear. Closing her eyes, Jennie leaned back into the embrace while Jisoo nipped at her ear.

Jennie accidentally knocked over the cooking oil, as it clattered across the counter, spilling everywhere.

The stove went up in flames.

"Jennie!" Jisoo screamed. She jerked Jennie back, Jennie already shoving away from the burning surface and tripping both of them.

A drip of oil ran down the front of the oven, and with it ran the flames.

"Shit!" Jisoo shouted. Jennie had tumbled down onto her ass and was sitting on the floor staring at the fire with the jerky, indecisive movements of someone who didn't know what to do. She backed into the cabinets. But the fire was coming toward her. It had all happened in seconds and there wasn't time to react. In the next instant, Jennie would be burned-

Jisoo reached through the flames and twisted the stove knob to off.

She let out a cry as she did it, the fire even hotter than she'd expected, but the flames died a few moments later and they were left with thick smoke and eerie silence.

"God," Jisoo groaned, slumping back. Jennie shot to her feet.

"What the hell did you do?" Jennie exclaimed in fearful concern, taking her elbow and peering at her blistered hand. "Shit, shit, shit."

"Fuck, it smells," Jisoo said, calmer but still tense. She scrunched her nose. "Not me, I mean the air."

The scent of burned plastic issued from where the head had pocked the front of the microwave.

"We probably shouldn't stay in here," Jennie said, ushering them across the living room and out the front door.

"I don't know why the smoke alarm didn't go off. That's worrying- Fuck!" Jisoo interrupted herself and grabbed her upper arm, burned hand tensing like a claw. "Jeez it hurts. Oh god..."

Jennie already had her phone out.

"I'm calling Manager Oppa."

"Mm..." Jisoo breathed shallow and careful, trying to rein in her body.

Jennie stood at attention holding the phone to her ear, but a moment later she swore. "He's not picking up. Gonna try my mom-"

"I'll be okay," Jisoo said, without much belief.

"She knows her medical stuff; she'll know what to do for it at least. I think we should take you to urgent care... Hey, Mom? Oh, thank the goddess I got a hold of you..."

The little Honda pulled into their lot not ten minutes later and Jennie sprang forward, awash in relief when she saw her dad in the car too.

"Thank god," she said, pulling her mom into a hug and clutching her tight. She turned to her dad, who was carrying a medical kit and wore an expression between worry and professional attention. "She's blistered pretty bad. It's gotten worse in the few minutes since I called you. It was an oil fire, if that makes a difference."

"Oh gosh. Where is she?"

Jennie led the way into the flat and to their bathroom, where Jisoo sat on the edge of the tub panting.

"Hey, Jisoo," Ms. Kim said, kneeling next to her. "I'm so sorry. Can I see?"

She held out her arm without speaking, tears on her cheeks.

"It hurts a lot, huh?" he asked conversationally as he inspected it.

"Yeah," she whispered.

"Damn," Mr. Kim said in a low voice, standing behind Jisoo in the doorway.

"I'm so glad we have doctors in the family," Jennie sighed.

Mr. Kim laughed softly, but it was brief. "What happened?"

"It was stupid." Jennie closed her eyes. "I was cooking and knocked over some oil. The fire went everywhere. I froze, freaking out and not sure what to do, and Jisoo reached over and turned the stove off. Stopped the dorm from burning down."

"The fire was coming at Jennie," Jisoo said from the tub, sounding sick and hissing whenever Ms. Kim touched her. "It was moving pretty fast-the oil sprayed everywhere..."

"Oil fires are bad," Mr. Kim said, applying something to Jisoo's arm. "I'm glad you called me. Jennie, do you have any ice? It'll help the pain and swelling."

Jennie went to the freezer in a daze and grabbed an icepack, staring at the burned kitchen.

"Holy shit. That was a big fire," Mr. Kim said. He took the ice pack from her numb hands. "Why don't you sit down?"

She followed his pointing finger and landed on the sofa with a whump.

A minute later he joined her.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Unscathed." She fiddled with her cuticles. "She protected me."

"Yep." He smiled softly.

"No, I mean deliberately. Fuck." She stared up at the ceiling, trying to keep her tears from falling. "If I hadn't been so clumsy..."

"Hey, hey, you couldn't have predicted that."

Mr. Kim pulled her into a hug and Jennie curled into him, feeling like a little kid again. He rubbed her back in long, slow movements, stroking the tension from her shoulders.

"She loves you very much," he said, kissing her forehead. "I do too. I'm really glad you're okay. And Jisoo is going to be okay too. Thankfully it's her left hand, and your mom is really good at her job."

"I just keep thinking, if I hadn't knocked it I can go back and change that tiny thing, and we wouldn't be here."

"Well, we are here. You are not at fault: it might have easily been Jisoo or me or someone else who froze, and you got burned... I don't think Jisoo would change what she did-it was probably a knee-jerk reaction to seeing her loved one in danger. You're just going to have to accept that she loves you."

Jennie laughed wetly, which she knew had been his intention.


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