wonderful winter || chaennie ⚠️🔞⚠️

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The lazy, peaceful drifting of the snowflakes covered everything in white, with only bits and pieces of the rest of the world peeking through. Deceivingly soft looking flakes landed on their clothing, on their faces, and melted against their body heat. The two of them sat on the steps leading to the backyard, content to watch winter have its way.

Jennie, the shorter and quieter of the two, rubbed her mittens into her knees and burrowed into her big, grey scarf. The top of her brown hair was covered with a black beanie, one her mother had made her last year. She stared out at the ground under her, the frozen grass smothered in white, and wondered how long it would last. Her ass was numbed from sitting so long on the cold, hard wood.

Chaeyoung, the more daring and the less cautious of the two, cupped her chin in her hands and sighed a cloud of fog. Her black ankle boots, entirely unsuited to the weather, were shiny with wetness. Her socks were unpleasantly damp. Her hands were bare and her fingers cold, but her fingers were almost always cold, so she found she didn't mind too much. She stared up at the sky, her eyes darting between snowflakes - as if she could catch them all. Her ass, too, was numbed from sitting so long on the cold, hard wood.

The two girls were at Jennie's house. It was the winter after their graduation. They'd both turned eighteen right before the season had truly set in. Since their birthdays were so close, they had celebrated them together. Because they were both legally considered adults now (though they still couldn't go out and buy alcohol, or get tattoos on their own), Jennie's parents were content to leave the girls alone. Jennie's mom was at work. Her dad was having dinner with his work friends.

So, the girls had the house to themselves.

"I'm cold," Chaeyoung said.

"Do you want to go inside?" asked Jennie.

Chaeyoung considered. It would be warm inside, but it wouldn't be quite so pretty. She pressed her fingertips against her cheeks. "How long do you think the snow will last this year?" she asked. Chaeyoung stretched out her legs, digging the heels of her boots into the undisturbed snow. Coldness seeped into her feet as the black boots slowly started to turn white. She wriggled her toes.

Jennie's voice was muffled behind her scarf, "I dunno. Maybe we'll have a white Christmas. Or maybe the snow will last so long we'll never want anything to do with it ever again." There was a pause between them: content, comfortable silence. Abruptly, Jennie pushed to her feet. She stomped the snow from her boots and shook it off of her mittens. "C'mon, let's go in. We'll open up the curtains."

Chaeyoung followed. The two girls left their boots on the steps. The second they entered the house, warmth enveloped them. Jennie set to work pushing the curtains aside. There was a huge window revealing the backyard, so they could watch the snow without freezing. "Hot chocolate? Apple cider? Tea?" Talia called as she walked to the familiar kitchen. She'd been here so many times that it was basically a second home. Chaeyoung and Jennie had been best friends since the horror that was middle school.

She ripped off her soaked socks as she went, flinging them back the way she'd came. Goosebumps prickled along her arms. Chaeyoung's fingers blindly skimmed the cupboards and the countertops. They caught on glass. "Why, hello there," she drawled. Her fingers walked up the bottle and hooked around the neck. Jennie's parents had so many bottles of wine that they wouldn't even notice. Yet another perk of their friendship. Chaeyoung grinned to herself, opening up the bottle with ease and setting off to join Jennie in the living room.

Jennie rose a brow at Chaeyoung's find. "What? Oh, Jen, you're not going to make me drink this all by myself, are you?" she fluttered her eyelashes innocently. Jennie scoffed, rolling her eyes. Chaeyoung grinned, setting the bottle down as she shrugged out of her coat. "This is why I love you," she said happily.

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