you're my best friend || chaelisa ⚠️🔞⚠️

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Chaeyoung has had best friends and she's had crushes, but she's never had a crush on her best friend before. Not a real crush anyway, the kind where she can't stop thinking about doing all those things she's only read (and written) about.


"Have you ever..." Chaeyoung trails off. She can't even tell if Lisa is awake anymore. They've been talking for what feels like hours. In the cabin, no one talks too much after lights out. The beds are too far apart, and if you're loud enough for one person to hear, you're loud enough for everyone to hear. And besides, Jisoo and Jennie are there.

Here in the tent, though, just the two of them in the dark, this feels like a sleepover. Chaeyoung hasn't had a sleepover since she was ten, and never with a girl she... Well, never with someone like Lisa. She has had best friends and she's had crushes, but she's never had a crush on her best friend before. Not a real crush anyway, the kind where she can't stop thinking about doing all those things she's only read about.

She's just decided Lisa must be asleep when she hears a rustle and Lisa says, "Have I ever what?"

"Oh." Chaeyoung's heart is racing, thumping against her chest like she's been running laps instead of lying here snuggled up in her sleeping bag. "Oh, um, just...have you ever," she swallows, "kissed. Anyone?"

There's another rustle as Lisa scoots closer. "Like...a boy, you mean?"


Lisa is so close her sleeping bag is right up against Chaeyoung's. She's so close that if they were in a bed, under the covers instead of in two separate sleeping bags, they would be touching. The thought is not helping Chaeyoung's heartrate any.

"Not really?" Lisa whispers almost in Chaeyoung's ear. "I mean, no, not with a boy, but..."

"But?" Chaeyoung is going to die. She is going to have a heart attack and die before she has ever kissed anyone.

Lisa doesn't say anything for a long time. Or what feels like a long time. She's even quieter when she finally says, "When I was ten my best friend and I practiced kissing a couple times. Just, just pressing our lips together, not anything...not like french kissing."

Chaeyoung hates that girl a little. "I've never kissed anyone," she says. "Not even for practice."

"You should," Lisa breathes, closer than before. Her lips are on Chaeyoung's before Chaeyoung even realizes what's happening. And then they're gone just as fast. "Like that."

"Like this?" Chaeyoung leans in, presses her lips to Lisa's and kisses her and instead of pulling away afterwards, she kisses her again, and again. Lisa shifts, her lips parting slightly. Her breath is hot and when Chaeyoung kisses her again, she can taste toothpaste a little.

"Yeah," Lisa whispers, her lips still right up against Chaeyoung's. "Like that."

She opens her mouth a little more after that, and Chaeyoung does, too. They kiss over and over, little tiny kisses that turn into longer ones until finally Lisa's lips are open wide enough for Chaeyoung to flick her tongue in, just enough to feel her teeth, the tip of her tongue.

Lisa is making these little noises, quiet little moans that make Chaeyoung feel all hot in a way that's not just from her sleeping bag, so she must be doing something right.

She tugs at the zipper and hears Lisa doing the same, and they scoot closer under the overlapping sleeping bags until they really are touching, Lisa's soft tummy and breasts pressed against Chaeyoung's. She's so warm and this time when they kiss, Chaeyoung has one arm around her, her fingers tangling in Lisa's hair.

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