hotter than hell || jenlisa

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Jennie is a calm, cool, collected girl most of the time. That is-when she isn't around a shirtless Lisa.


Jennie broke out in a smile when she saw her girlfriend's face walk through the front doors-well, part of her face since the crowd in the living room obstructed her view. She and the rest of the trainees had gotten together to celebrate Chaeyoung's birthday.

"Hey, Jagiya." Lisa said flirtily when she met up with Jennie, pulling her close and pressing their lips together in a deep kiss. Jennie blushed and felt her heart skip a beat. To this day she still felt a shock of electricity course through her veins whenever she and Lisa kissed, despite the fact they had been dating for over three years now. Jennie was in the middle of biting Lisa's bottom lip when the sound of a throat clearing interrupted them.

"Wow, you guys are so in love you don't even remember to say hi to your friends anymore. What a shame." Chaeyoung teased and her raven haired girlfriend slapped her arm before shooting Jennie and Lisa a sympathetic look.

"Look, we found the sappy couples corner." Irene said to Seulgi as they approached the rest of the group.

Lisa rolled her eyes at Irene. "Look who's talking. You guys haven't left each other's side since you were twelve years old." She pointed out in the matter-of-fact tone that always annoyed Irene.

"By the way, Happy birthday, Chaeng. You deserve it." Jennie said, changing the subject to something that wouldn't result in an all out war between Lisa and Irene.

"Thanks. And this party is incredible, guys. I can't believe you all threw it for me." Chaeyoung responded and she gazed at her friends with bright eyes.

Jennie was about to say it was nothing but was cut off when a partygoer bumped into her and Lisa and spilled their drink all over her girlfriend's shirt. "Oops, my bad." The guy slurred, his voice showing he hadn't been drinking soda all night. Jennie wanted to give this jerk a piece of her mind but he quickly disappeared into the mob of teenagers.

"Shit" Lisa hissed under her breath as she looked down at her ruined shirt.

Chaeyoung shook her head. "Don't worry, I'll find you one of my shirts for you to wear. You can change in my room." And with that, the six friends pushed their way through the crowd to get upstairs.

While Chaeyoung, Jisoo, Irene, and Seulgi searched the closet, Jennie ushered her girlfriend into Chaeyoung's room. It hadn't changed a lot since they all came to YG -the biggest difference being that most of Chaeyoung's sketches and paintings were now hanging on the walls. As soon as they stepped into the room, Lisa made a beeline for the vanity mirror and groaned when she saw her reflection.

"Crap, I just got this shirt." She scowled and Jennie patted her on the back soothingly.

"Well look at this as an excuse for me to buy you a new one for the holidays." She said cheerfully and Lisa's dark eyes turned to look at her.

Lisa smirked. "I like that idea. You have good taste." She pointed to herself with a proud look on her face. "I mean, look who you're dating." The blonde laughed, a beautiful soft laugh that Jennie loved hearing.

It was Jennie's turn to smirk now. "You mean the girl that's currently wearing a beer soaked shirt?" She pointed to the wet spot all over Lisa's chest.

"Ugh, I need to take this off. It's starting to feel sticky and gross." Lisa shrugged her jacket off, tossing it on Chaeyoung's bed, then pulled her shirt over her head. And that was when Jennie's brain started short circuiting.

In that moment it was like she had lost the ability to do anything except stare blankly at Lisa. Jennie couldn't take her eyes off of Lisa's smooth chest and slim shoulders. It was strange for Jennie to see her girlfriend in a different light, one where she wasn't just admiring her intelligence and personality. She obviously knew that Lisa was attractive, she wasn't blind, but seeing her like this was just a confirmation. One that left very little to the imagination. From the lean muscles to the porcelain-like skin, everything about Lisa left Jennie speechless.

Oh God, did Lisa have abs? Jennie asked in her mind, trying to sneak a peek but she quickly stopped herself. This was ridiculous- she wasn't going to oggle her girlfriend like a piece of meat. Jennie told herself to be mature and she wasn't going to be a creep and gawk at Lisa (even though the image of her flawlessly sculpted arms was still seared into her mind).

Jennie tried to think of something else. Anything that could take her mind off the shirtless human being in front of her.

"Jennie? What's up with you?" Lisa asked, staring at Jennie with narrowed eyes. Jennie tried to give an answer but nonsense came out of her mouth instead. She cleared her throat and lowered her gaze to the floor, hoping that would help her speaking problem.

"N-nothing. I'm good, you know? Just chilling." She stammered. Jennie tried to lean against the vanity but her hand slipped and she tripped over her feet. Her body hit the floor with a heavy thud, her back aching with pain when she landed. Jennie cursed under her breath and a few moments later Lisa bent down next to her with a worried look on her face.

"Jennie, are you alright? Does anything hurt?" Lisa asked worriedly, running her fingers through Jennie's hair as she thought about an answer. Her mind was occupied focusing on every single inch of Lisa's shirtless torso and how close their bodies were. Jennie scrambled to get on her feet, taking Lisa's hand and pulling herself upright.

"I'm good. Thanks for the help." She smiled tightly, letting her eyes linger on Lisa's chest for a couple extra seconds. Which Lisa noticed instantly.

"I saw that. You just checked me out." Lisa teased and a look of realization spread on her face. "Wait, is that why you fell? My hotness was too much for you to handle?"

Jennie's face was red from embarrassment and Lisa just kept smiling at her, making her heart beat faster than before. "Well can you blame me? My girlfriend's a stud. And I'm a nerd that doesn't know how to handle being around hot girls." She joked.

"Funny. I always thought you were the hot one in this relationship." Lisa declared and Jennie shook her head.

"Obviously you've never seen yourself in a mirror." Jennie corrected then glanced slyly at her girlfriend's mouth. Without saying another word, they surged forward and locked lips. Lisa let out a pleased moan that sent goosebumps down Jennie's arms. One of Jennie's hands came up to the back of Lisa's neck while the other tugged on her hair. She pressed into the kiss hungrily and smiled when she felt Lisa's fingers trace circles on her back. Everything about this moment was perfect. Well, except for when the door opened.

"Gross!" Irene screeched. "Save that for you and Lisa's alone time in your room." She buried her face in her hands. Behind her, Chaeyoung and Jisoo were stifling laughs and Seulgi fiddled with the shirt she was holding.

"Here." She tossed it to Lisa then turned to the rest of the group. "We're gonna get out of your way and let you two do... whatever it is you were going to do." Chaeyoung said sheepishly and shut the door behind her. Jennie looked down at Lisa- her hands coming down to grab her shoulder- and winked.

"You might wanna put that on before I fall again."

Lisa looked down at the t-shirt she was holding. "Yeah, I wouldn't want you to get hurt just because you think I'm hot." She smiled.

And damn, it was a beautiful smile.

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