admirer || chaelisa

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You start receiving little Valentine's gifts on the 14th of every month. Each gift is more daring or expensive than the last, and strangely, each of them answers your wishes; even your unspoken ones. Only problem is, no one around you ever notices you so no one could know you intimately enough to know your wishes. Who is your secret admirer?


January 14th

The first thing she notices walking into the lab is the large vase of black and red roses sitting on her desk. Curious, she heads there first, expecting to find a note, a card, anything. But the vase sits there, nothing giving anything away. It's only when she moves them over that she finds the note with her name on it. When she dusts for prints, there is none.

Jennie and Jisoo comment on them, asking who she was seeing. When she assures then she's dating no one, Jisoo brings up a secret admirer. She laughs and brushes it off. She didn't get secret admirers.


February 14

She wears red today because it's Valentine's Day. She gets her obligatory, the "I love you" on the heart making her smile. BamBam does it every year, and it's a nice gesture. Ten treats her to an early lunch, and she happily accepts.

When she gets back from lunch, a box of chocolates is tucked up besides Taehyung. Again, she dusts for prints, and again there are none. Maybe Jisoo was right. She enjoys them after work as a treat.


March 14

She's four drinks past her limit when she decides she wants to go home. Even before St Patrick's Day, the bar was packed and finding a sober ride home would be tough. She pulls out her phone, hoping to call a cab, when she realizes her phone is dead. She curses and mentally headslaps herself, heading towards the door.

To her surprise, a cab driver is waiting outside the bar when she eventually stumbles out. For a moment, she's not sure he's there for her, but he addresses her by name, assures her that her ride is paid for and helps her in. She's too far gone to question it, but the next morning when she wakes up with a killer hangover, she sees the receipt he had handed her, the time stamp a mere 5 minutes before she came out of the bar. And wouldn't you know it, her secret admirer paid with cash.


April 14

She finds herself wishing she had an umbrella halfway to work when it started to pour. She's soaked through by the time she gets to work, her car having not started and her pride too strong for her to call for a ride. It's not like she thinks she's invisible. She knows her coworkers care. But she also knows how hard they work, and they don't need to go out of their way for her.

By the time her shift is over, 18 hours later, the rain is still coming down hard. She resigns herself to another shower in the rain, when she notices the umbrella hanging in front of her coat on the rack. She doesn't bother dusting for prints, just sends a silent thank you to her admirer.


May 14

With her past experience with stalking, she felt like she could be more careful. Sure, the roses and chocolates and umbrella were nice, but the whole knowing her address thing was still creeping her out. She's been in a bad mood all day, snapping at everyone, even Taehyung.

She takes an earlier lunch break than normal, hoping to cool off. When she gets back, there's a chocolate cupcake sitting in a box on her desk. There's a note this time, but there's no handwriting she recognizes. Lisa, it reads, Enjoy. It's not signed. And it makes her smile for the first time all day.

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