late night || chaelisa

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Chaeyoung comes home after a long day. Pure fluff.


Sajangnim needs me to stay late... I don't think I can make it to the carnival with you guys. I'm sorry Lis.

It's ok.

Chaeyoung scowled at her phone. She'd sent that apology hours ago, but there were no new messages, not since that cryptic "It's ok" from Lisa? She felt the scowl grow deeper and let it, in spite of the inner voice that reminded her you scare people when you look like that. There was nobody around to scare right now anyway.

Lisa had gone off to the carnival with Jisoo and Jennie, and had not bothered to send a single message, much less a photo? The least she could have done was try to make Chaeyoung feel bad for missing out. Again.

Chaeyoung sighed as the elevator carried her up to the floor where the dorm is. She had a feeling she was going to be doing a lot more apologizing in just a few minutes. Not that she hadn't earned it by being a total flake to her friends lately... She reminded herself that this solo debut was such a great opportunity and she didn't want to blow that opportunity, even if she was beginning to feel taken advantage of, what with all of the last-minute requests from YG for her to stay late and work extra hours. Worse, she was starting to really miss her girlfriend.

She paused to take a deep breath before unlocking the door, steeling herself for whatever might be about to happen. As tired and grouchy as she was right now, she wasn't sure she could handle it. Unless, of course, it involved Lisa waiting for her in sexy lingerie, fully prepared to demand some quality time together.

With that thought in mind, she opened the door.

The living room was empty. There was no sign of Lisa, or the others, but she could hear an unfamiliar gurgling sound. Perplexed, Chaeyoung realized the sound was coming from the room's new addition: a ten-gallon aquarium that rested on the dining room table that they'd crammed into one corner of the room. The aquarium had been lovingly filled with decorative plants and looked like a fish paradise to Chaeyoung. The filter must be the source of the sound. A solitary goldfish floated in a small glass fish bowl beside the aquarium.

"Huh," Chaeyoung murmured.

She set down her handbag, draped her coat over the back of the nearest chair, and went in search of Lisa.

She found her lying face down on their bed, fully clothed, like she'd just flopped there.

"Lisa?" she began cautiously.

Lisa stirred, groaning, and rolled over. She flung one arm over her eyes dramatically. "You're finally home," she noticed.

"Yeah, finally," Chaeyoung agreed, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. She sat down beside Lisa, absently stroking her arm. "I keep hoping that eventually the rest of my cohort will catch up and I won't be the only one staying into the night because I didn't do well enough." She paused. "But enough about that. How was the carnival?"

"It was fine." Lisa paused, moving her arm so she could look at Chaeyoung. "I, uh, I won a fish."

"I noticed."

"Are you upset? I know we only just started talking about getting a pet, and now we've got a fish and an aquarium that's cycling and -"

Chaeyoung laughed. After the long and tedious day she'd had, it felt good. "Lis, I'm just glad you had a good time at the carnival." She flopped down on the bed beside Lisa, enjoying the feeling of her girlfriend snuggling against her. "And I'm glad the fish is going to have a good home."

"It would have been better with you there," Lisa said. Chaeyoung didn't need to look to know she was pouting. Adorably.

"I know. I really am sorry, and I really do intend to make it up to you."

The pout turned into a grin. "Really?"

"Yes, really." She could sense the grin widening, threatening to turn into a giggle. "I mean it!" She sobered. "I've been missing a lot of our dates lately," she admitted. "And I'm sorry for that. Next time Sajangnim asks me to stay late, I'm going to tell him what I really think -"

Lisa sat up, peering down at Chaeyoung with those lovely dark eyes, seriousness making her look extra kissable. "Chaeyoung, you don't have to apologize to me. I understand."

"How can you be so perfect?" She only realized she'd asked the question out loud when Lisa broke into a huge grin.

"How many secret dates did we miss back when we were trainees?" Lisa asked.

Chaeyoung groaned. "I lost count. A lot."

"Exactly," Lisa said, leaning closer.

Chaeyoung lifted her head to meet Lisa as she drew even closer. Their lips met in a tender, lingering kiss. Just as Chaeyoung moved to deepen the kiss, Lisa pulled away.

Chaeyoung frowned. "Back then we had to miss out on dates to be evaluated for debut," she pointed out. "We were trying to debut. This solo project is solely for me, not you guys. This seems a little less... vital."

"But it's not," Lisa murmured, snuggling back against her. "You're working these long hours and making a good impression for your future with this company. You're not going to be able to drop everything at a moment's notice and go do silly things with the members for a while, and I understand that." She chuckled. "For now, I'm happy as long as I'm the one you come home to every night."

"What did I ever do to deserve you?"

Lisa pretended to actually think about it. "An excellent question..." she teased. It made Chaeyoung want to kiss her all over again, preferably as a prelude to a long night in each other's arms.

"Lalisa," she breathed, in the way that she knew would send a shiver down Lisa's spine. "I mean it. I'm so lucky to have you."

"The way I see it," Lisa explained, "you'll have plenty of time to go out with your girlfriend after your rise to the top of the charts. Once you're on top, I bet I could even get you to take me on trips to photograph rare plants, or..."

"Have I told you today how much I love you?"

Lisa gave an exaggerated glance to the clock across the room, which read just past midnight. "Not today," she said with a grin.

Lisa was giggling as Chaeyoung moved to straddle her, but she wasn't laughing anymore as their lips met in an intense kiss. Chaeyoung pulled away slowly, tugging at Lisa's lower lip as she went. Then, with all the seriousness she could muster, she declared, "Lalisa Manoban, I love you."

Lisa's look was one of pure adoration as she pulled Chaeyoung in for another kiss, and suddenly Chaeyoung's night didn't seem so exasperating after all.

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