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Chaeyoung attends Jennie Kim's party, but somehow ends up in Jennie's bedroom all alone with Lisa.


Chaeyoung honestly wasn't really sure how they got here. Well, she knew how she had gotten to the Kims' house; her dad dropped her off. But how she wound up alone with Lisa in Jennie's bedroom was a mystery to her. One minute she was standing in the living room bobbing her head to the blaring music and the next she was wandering upstairs to get away from everything for a second. (After the blowout party Jennie had last summer where some kids ended up going through her room and tearing up his stuff, she had forbidden upstairs access, and her 'or else' threat had been astoundingly effective.)

Apparently Lisa had the same idea as she did.

Ever since their talk outside YG'S office after Rosé had stopped Lisa from quitting, they had been carefully dancing around the new territory that the label 'friends' put them in. Before, Lisa and Rosé were rivals competing to be better than the other. They had once almost reached a normal place in their rickety friendship before it toppled and they fell back into a rhythm too familiar to sustain the balance needed for civility between them. And then Lisa joined the other group of girls and it became something else, something new entirely. They had nothing to fight over anymore. They became acquaintances, as long as the word was applied loosely. It was more like they moved in such different circles that they never had the opportunity to clash anymore. And then Lisa rejoined Rosé's trainee group and the careful balance somehow wasn't upset by their circles overlapping once again. Neither of them could figure out why, but it was oddly refreshing not to be constantly firing digs of varying sizes at each other.

And now here they were, alone with each other late into the night at a party neither of them had been particularly enthusiastic about attending in the first place. Rosé really hadn't felt like partying since Chanyeol and she broke up. But she and Lisa were here, and alone, and trying, and frankly, that was more than either of them could have said up until that point.

"Most embarrassing moment?" Lisa questioned from her place on the floor across from Rosé, head tilted back against the wall.

"The first slushie facial I got. Your laughing made it worse than my 7th grade talent show act when I twirled mid-song and fell off the stage. I blacked out. It's the only talent contest I've been in and didn't at least place."

Lisa looked satisfyingly guilty and embarrassed as she looked away and muttered a quiet "sorry."

"First kiss?"

"Bobby. On a dare in 8th grade. You?"


"Ah. Best moment of your life?"

"The first year of being a YG trainee. We all felt so close then. Like a real family," Rosé said, staring off into the distance as the memory washed over her and she tried to recall how exactly the moment felt.

Chaeyoung focused back on Lisa's face just in time to catch the small, private smile she thought Lisa didn't mean for her to see. It slid off the blonde's lips when she noticed Chaeng looking, her mouth straightening and expression struggling to go back to normal.

"What?" Rosé demanded.

"Nothing. Ask your question."

"What if that is my question?"

"Then my answer will again be 'nothing' and you will have lost your turn for another question."

"Oh fine. Ummm..." Rosé tapped her chin with a contemplative finger that she pointed dramatically at Lisa when a question popped into her head. "What's the scariest thing you've ever thought about doing?"

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