paris in the rain || chaesoo

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Jisoo doesn't feel like getting out of bed and Chaeyoung gets a bit carried away.


Blackpink had traveled all the way to Busan for a fan-sign this week and; arriving late last night, the girls were given the day off to do some sightseeing of the surrounding area before the event tomorrow. However, Jisoo woke up pretty late, 10:30 to be exact. She told herself that it was because of all the traveling the four of them did yesterday and how it must have tired her out a lot. But in reality, she's always struggled with getting out of bed in the mornings and today happened to be no different. Jisoo found this part of her day the hardest (along with actually getting to sleep at night, of course).

So, she decided that instead of running around with the rest of the group, she should 'gain some energy back from their traveling' and 'rest a bit'. Which meant she was probably just gonna be here laying in bed all day and flipping through the same five apps on her phone- wait, that was technically resting, right? So, it wasn't a complete lie. . .

Pulling her phone off of the charger, she shoots a quick text to the group chat informing the rest of the girls where she was and how she was gonna spend the rest of her day. She gets a few quick replies, included with some cute, positive messages from the members, before opening up Instagram. She finds her feed filled with pictures of puppies and babies and cute idols and begins to scroll through it, mindlessly. Speaking of cute idols, as if right on cue, one waltzes in.

Her hotel room door opens rather abruptly, although Jisoo doesn't pay much attention, and a body suddenly face-plants in the bed next to her, leaving a body-sized indention of fluffy, white sheets in their wake before, promptly, letting out a wail.

"What?" Jisoo asks, slightly amused, eyes not leaving her phone screen. Chaeyoung flips over dramatically and scooches next to Jisoo, all close.

"Chuuuu~, aren't you hungry??"

"No, not really." She says, bluntly, causing Chaeyoung to whine some more.

"But I've been waiting to go out with you."

"I'm sorry Chaeng, I kinda just want to lay around today."

In response to Jisoo's wrong answer, Chaeyoung starts to cuddle up even more; draping an arm around the other girl, resting her chin on her shoulder and intertwining one of Jisoo's legs with her own. Jisoo adjusts her phone screen so that Chaeyoung can have a better view of what she's looking at.

"Chuuuu~," Chaeyoung sings and shuts her eyes tightly so not to be distracted by the baby animal video currently playing on Jisoo's phone. In a last ditch effort to get Jisoo up, Chaeyoung starts to get physical; trying to shake herself and Jisoo back and forth against the bed, "Foooooooodddd, let's go eat!!"

"I'm not hungry," Jisoo counters.

"Yes, you arrrrreeeeee~"


Giggling begins to fill the air, which only cause both girls to become more energized and, by consequence, Chaeyoung becoming more rambunctious as well; pushing herself up, she begins to straddle the older girl before sliding her hands up Jisoo's slides. Jisoo reacts before the tickling even starts, quickly tossing her phone next to them (luckily, it lands softly on a plush pillow) and clamps her arms down onto Chaeyoung's hands, effectively trapping them there.

"Yes! You! Are!"

"Nope!" Jisoo insists, smiling teasingly. Chaeyoung purses her lips, laughter still playing at the edges, and tries to wiggle one of her hands free.

"Please, eat lunch with me." Chaeyoung begs but Jisoo just shakes her head 'no'.

Finally, Chaeyoung manages to pull her right hand free of Jisoo's grasps and instantly dives for the other girl's neck. Jisoo, who practically squeaks in miscalculation, instinctively goes to grab Chaeyoung's hand before she can reach; which in turn, frees not only Chaeyoung's left hand but some prime tickling spots as well.

Chaeyoung's now free-hand attacks Jisoo's sides relentlessly before the other girl can undo her mistake. But unlike before, Jisoo doesn't try to stop Chaeyoung this time, she lets the younger girl have her fun. They both laugh in full as Chaeyoung tickles her sides, joviality surrounding them; although, Jisoo's laughter is mixed with begging for Chaeyoung to quit tickling her.

As it becomes harder to breath, Jisoo decides she's had enough and pulls the younger girl against her chest and into her arms, who, to Jisoo's surprise, stills instantly and nestles closer. Breathing heavily, Jisoo feels euphoric. It sits tight in her chest and she can't help but want to hide her face and the smile currently blooming on her lips. She loves Chaeyoung , she really does; even when she's being a little shit.

"Why can't you eat by yourself??" she asks offhandedly and Chaeyoung makes a face. "Or with Jennie or Lisa?" Chaeyoung is breathing heavy too but the heart-eyes she's giving Jisoo show through indefinitely.

"'Cause I wanted to eat with you."

Jisoo lets out a 'hmm' from deep in her diaphragm and pretends to think a bit.

"Okay, I'll eat with you, then," she decides, "but you're going to have to wait for me to get ready. It might take a minute." Chaeyoung cheers triumphantly before moving her head from Jisoo's chest to the crook of her neck and clinging tightly to the older girl.

Jisoo chuckles lightly, "If you want us to go get lunch then you're gonna have to let me go."

Chaeyoung kisses Jisoo's collarbone chastely in response and mutters, "Just a lil' bit longer, okay? Then we can go."

Jisoo peaks down at the girl next to her with all the love in the world and begins to methodically kiss her way across her forehead before snuggling up to her. Nestling her nose into Chaeyoung's hair, she breathes in the scent of Chaeyoung's shampoo while stroking her back softly. They stay like this for what feels like their own little daydream of cuddles and soft kisses. Until-

Jisoo's stomach lets out an obnoxious groan.

Chaeyoung sits up immediately, pinning Jisoo to the bed; one hand next to her face, the other under her armpit while Chaeyoung's legs still straddle her waist.

"I knew you were hungry!!" Chaeyoung announces, eyes sparkling. Feeling slightly embarrassed, Jisoo pushes up on her elbows and clumsily kisses Chaeyoung on the lips; pushing the other girl up to her knees, so that Jisoo can sit up as well.

Jisoo can feel Chaeyoung's beautiful smile against her lips and Chaeyoung's hands as they come to wrap around her waist, pulling their bodies closer. Jisoo can feel her heart beating hard in her rib-cage as she begins to suck on Chaeyoung's lower lips. She can feel her head begin to spin from all the cute noises Chaeyoung's making. She can feel the cotton of Chaeyoung's shirt as she brings her own arms up from behind herself to hold the younger girl so tenderly.

"Your breath stinks." Chaeyoung teases, breaking the kiss.

Jisoo's eyes fill with surprise before she looks away bashfully, muttering, "yeah, yeah."

Chaeyoung smiles brightly, and tilts Jisoo's chin so that the other is looking at her again. Eyes laughing, she kisses Jisoo quick before falling sideways into the mattress below. Jisoo smiles and runs her left hand over the younger girl's thigh lightly, before sliding off the bed and walking towards the bathroom.

"Where did you wanna eat?" She turns slightly, looking over at the girl sprawled out like a starfish on her bed; taking in the way Chaeyoung's hair frames her face as the light from the window streams in, dimpling Chaeyoung's form like a gardenia in spring. Looking at this girl for too long honestly made Jisoo forget how to breath.

Chaeyoung smiles lazily up a her. "I don't care. I'd could go anywhere you'd like Kim Jisoo! Whatever you like, whatever you're feeling- I'll eat it." Jisoo feels this sudden impulse to lay all her feelings out in the space between them: she wants to tell Chaeyoung how happy she makes her; how Chaeyoung makes living seem easier; and how Jisoo would like to spend the rest of her life with her, if Chaeyoung allowed her to. But mostly, she wants to tell her: how someone like Kim Jisoo couldn't possibly deserve someone as wonderful as Park Chaeyoung.

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