fun in the snow || jensoo

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Jisoo and Jennie have some flirty fun in the snow.


Jisoo crept through the trees, trying to tread softly in the powdery snow. Her boots made the slightest crunching sound and she froze, staring around her. Her heart thumped heavily in her chest as she crept along, clutching a snowball in her hand. Jennie's eyes darted around to every possible place someone could possibly be hiding, preparing for an ambush. So far, so good. She stopped behind a large tree and peered out from behind it, wanting to get the upper hand on her potential attacker. Jisoo was sure she had the lead, but just as she was about to step out from behind the tree, she heard a stick snap behind her.

Before she could whirl around, Jisoo heard a slight whoosh ing sound before something cold impacted and exploded over the back of her head. Jisoo let out a yelp as she stumbled forwards slightly, snow cascading down her neck into her jacket and sticking to her hair.

"Augh!" she yelled, dancing around, trying to get the snow out of her collar, nearly dropping her own snowball in the process.

"Got you!" Jennie crowed triumphantly, dancing out from behind some nearby bushes. She giggled as Jisoo continued to claw at the snow, especially when Jisoo let out a cry.

"Some of it melted! It's dripping down my back," Jisoo lamented in a mock-devastated voice, squirming and shuddering a little as the droplets slid down her spine. She shivered a little as Jennie approached, still grinning, and laughed in spite of herself.

"Alright, alright, you win," Jisoo said, unable to stop herself from smiling back, though she covertly slipped one hand behind her back, along with the snowball still clutched in it.

Jennie did an adorable little saunter over to where Jisoo stood, still gloating in her moment of victory. Chuckling, Jisoo pulled Jennie close with her free hand, wrapping her arm around the woman and tugging her in for a hug. Trustingly, Jennie leaned into the embrace, and Jisoo pounced. With her arm wrapped around Jennie's waist to keep her pinned, Jisoo reached around with her other hand and slipped it beneath the back of Jennie's coat collar, dropping the snow down her back. As soon as Jennie had realized what Jisoo was doing she had started to squirm and try to get away, but she wasn't fast enough. Jennie shrieked as the icy snow slid down her skin between her clothes and promptly began to melt, droplets of cold water trickling down lower.

"Jisoo!" Jennie yelped in protest, breaking out of Jisoo's hold and flailing around, trying to pry out the last bits of snow that hadn't melted, to no avail. Jisoo laughed as she watched Jennie spin around in desperation, wiping her gloves against each other to knock the snow bits off.

"Karma's a bitch," Jisoo grinned, as Jennie finally stopped her dancing around and scowled at her, though she couldn't keep a straight face.

"You'll pay for that!" Jennie warned, and Jisoo snorted with laughter, clearly unintimidated. Jennie put on a determined face and charged forward grabbing Jisoo around the waist with a playful yell, tackling her.

Jisoo's laugh rang out like a scream into the relative silence around them as she plummeted to the ground, hitting it with a grunt square on her back, Jennie dropping on top of her. The snow billowed around them as Jisoo took a second to recover, then she reached out and tickled Jennie, grabbed her waist and flipped her over so she was the one lying on her back in the snow. Jennie squealed at the feeling of the snow under her, grabbed onto Jisoo's arms and rolled them again, their laughs echoing around them.

"Gotcha again," Jennie announced as she straddled Jisoo's waist and then sat down on her middle. Jisoo rolled her eyes and laughed, though she let Jennie have the win. Jennie just looked too cute when she was convinced she was victorious, so Jisoo was all for letting her win.

"Yeah baby, you got me," Jisoo laughed breathlessly, accepting her soggy fate of lying back in the snow under Jennie. They sat there for a moment, still half-laughing and catching their breath, little puffs of condensation forming and dissipating as they exhaled.

Jennie smiled as she looked down at her girlfriend; Jisoo was lying there, her cheeks rosy, snow coating a good deal of her hair, her hat missing. Jisoo's eyes were bright and they held such warmth as they met Jennie's, and Jennie practically felt herself being drawn towards Jisoo, leaning over her.

Jisoo shivered as Jennie's hair long, damp hair hung down and tickled her neck as she leaned closer, lifting herself up and propping up on her elbows so she could meet Jennie halfway. Jisoo's eyes closed as Jennie's lips found hers and she was instantly lost in the embrace. She shivered again as Jennie slipped off her mitts and brought her cool hands up to Jisoo's neck, her fingers cupping along either side of Jisoo's jaw. Doing her best to balance, Jisoo shifted her weight to one elbow and reached up with her other hand, threading her fingers into Jennie's hair and pulling her closer, the embrace deepening as Jennie pressed herself down against Jisoo's chest.

Their tongues sought each other and gently clashed, Jisoo's heart rate rising exponentially with every moment, feeling love, affection and arousal coursing through her as they kissed, her hand gently laying on the back on Jennie's head, lost in her hair. Jennie suddenly broke the kiss and Jisoo let out a little groan as Jennie began to kiss slowly down Jisoo's cheek to her jaw. Jisoo tilted her head away as Jennie planted a long row of kisses below her jawline, pressing her lips to Jisoo's pulse point several times before moving up closer to her ear.

"Jendeukie," Jisoo groaned, her heart racing as she felt pleasure shooting through her, the tips of her fingers starting to tingle. "That feels amazing."

"I know," Jennie said softly into Jisoo's ear, just before she gently nipped at Jisoo's earlobe, making her jump slightly and then make a little whine of pleasure. "That's why I'm doing it."

Jisoo turned her face around and caught Jennie's lips in an embrace again, kissing her deeply, pulling her as close as she could. Things were starting to heat up when Jisoo realized she was starting to lose her balance, her lone supporting arm wobbling under their combined weight. Jennie seemed to notice too and pulled away slowly, sitting back against Jisoo's hips.

"Maybe we should go inside," Jennie suggested, a little breathless from the embrace.

"Probably a good idea," Jisoo agreed, though somewhat reluctant. Things had been going so well, but she had to admit she was getting cold; she could feel the snow clinging to her pants had melted, leaving them cold and wet against her skin, and her hair was drooping under the moisture of the melting snow there, as well. Hearing the somewhat gloomy tone to Jisoo's voice, Jennie grinned instead, leaning down to give her a quick kiss before hauling herself to her feet.

"Don't worry," Jennie said, and Jisoo could hear a mischievous tone to Jennie's voice as she spoke. "We can always go take a nice hot shower together," she suggested, looking innocently at Jisoo, who grinned in anticipation.

"And afterwards, we can just relax all day, in your bed?" Jisoo asked, as though the question needed to be voiced. Jennie grinned back as she held out a hand to help Jisoo up.

"Absolutely," Jennie agreed, with a cute little laugh that made Jisoo beat down the urge to kiss Jennie again. Jisoo took Jennie's offered hand and heaved herself to her feet, swept Jennie close to her and captured her face in both of her hands.

"That sounds amazing," Jisoo replied, dipping her head and pressing her lips to Jennie's again. Jisoo practically felt Jennie melt in her arms, and if Jisoo hadn't shivered a moment later, they probably would have stayed out there for hours longer. Instead, Jennie felt the shiver and pulled away, leading Jisoo back to the homestead. With the prospect of a hot, soapy shower and an afternoon in bed together, they knew the fun was only just getting started.


Gotta love some good old Jensoo

should i do a face reveal

i'm kinda scared bc what if ppl i know read this

oh well

do you guys want a face reveal 😂

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