two more months || lisoo

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"Sometimes, only one person is missing, and the whole world seems depopulated." - Alphonse de Lamartine


It was a normal day, just like any other. Jisoo woke to the unpleasant nagging of the alarm, slapping it into silence before she had to endure another second of the nerve-grating sound. Sighing into her pillow with a last curse to whoever was listening up above, she angrily swung her legs out of the warm haven also known as her comforter, the dull ache and strain behind her eyes once again informing her that she would rather go back to sleep than spend another minute in a vertical position. They should stop making mattresses and pillows so god damn comfortable, that way making it all the easier to get out of bed in the morning.

As the cold drops of water from the struggling showerhead first hit her body, she felt the sleep wash away. Jisoo really despised 8 am practices, especially since she developed into a nocturnal loving insomniac. Well, she wasn't really an insomniac, she just did her best thinking when the rest of the world was sound asleep. And it wasn't like she couldn't fall asleep; she just didn't want to fall asleep, because that meant less time away from her distractions and more time where her subconscious mind could play cruel jokes on her.

She turned the knob of the shower to cool, and then off, shivering as the water droplets drew the heat from her body. Right now it was on the brink of winter, where the days varied from a lovely 65 degrees to an abysmal 30 degrees, and today it looked like it was leaning towards the abysmal side. Jisoo sighed as she dried herself off and began readying for the day.

It's not that she hated Seoul. It was a great city, full of history and young people. Over the past four years it had only worn her down as she realized she missed EVERYTHING about her hometown, the people included. But there was one thing that kept her there in Seoul, there at University. One person especially.

The cold seeped into her clothing as she stepped outside, quickly making her way to the nearest T stop as the freezing misty rain tried to zap the spirit out of her completely. Two more months, two more months, two more months, she repeated, over and over as she waited for the subway to make its belated appearance.

The rusty and outdated train finally appeared, and Jisoo sat down in a lonely corner, slowly sipping her coffee as she willed her body to wake up. 8:30 was an ungodly hour for a class, especially as she neared the last half of her last semester of school. She knew back in high-school she used to get up this early, earlier even, for regular classes and training. But now her body didn't seem operable before noon.

As the train reached her station, she scurried her way to school, the heat of the building enveloping her as she entered and making her eyes droop. This was not going to be an easy morning to sit through. Her class was small, on a good day approximately 11 out of 13 people showed up, and since there was no exam, Jisoo had absolutely no incentive to pay attention.

The professor was late, again, and Jisoo silently cursed whoever was listening. She pulled her slim laptop from her bag and booted it up, quickly typing in the multiple passwords required to use the school internet, sign into her school account, and access Gmail. Gmail - that was the basis for her sanity the past four years.

It was early, and it was no surprise that everyone appeared off-line. Most of her friends were still asleep, particularly her west coast friends who wouldn't have to wake up for several more hours. Jisoo sighed. If she were home in California now, she would still be snuggled up under her covers. She switched her status to available anyway, knowing that the one person she wanted to talk to never appeared 'available' anyway. And there was a good chance she would be up.

The clock ticked on and her professor finally made his appearance, presenting the most unenthused lecture Jisoo had ever had to sit through. He attempted to involve the small class in a discussion of the material, but Jisoo could only pay attention to her laptop screen, refreshing the page and silently waiting. She knew she should be paying attention, that she was paying an extreme amount of money to hear what this monotonous old geezer had to say, but she couldn't manage to drag her eyes away from the screen.

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