a mess || jensoo

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Hanging out together is the perfect day together. Making cookies for breakfast, enjoying the company.


Morning sun glistened through the large windows, warming the yellow colored room all over. It was silent and calm, the brunette sleeping softly with her eye mask in her queen sized bed under a mountain of duvet covers. A loud and harsh ring blares out into the room, scaring Jennie as she rolls quickly and falls out of her bed and onto the floor.

"AH HELLO WHO IS IT?" Jennie shouts, her sleep mask still covering her eyes as she sits up frantically.
She rips it off and looks around the room. The phone still buzzing loudly on the light wood nightstand. Leaning towards the phone she snatches up the iPhone, a bright red color is filling the screen, the name CHICHU is written at the top of the screen in all caps. Sliding the green button she answers.

"Hello?" Jennie grins, just hearing from Jisoo makes her morning great even though she just fell head first out of a bed.

"You busy babe? I got nothing to do today and I wanna spend it with you." Jisoo questions, the girl on the other end of the line sounding bored out of her mind.

"Uh no! Not at all! You wanna come over? We can watch movies or make food or go for a drive or walk!" She squeaks, throwing out many options.

"Okay! I'll be over in like 10! See ya soon!" The other line quickly clicking to an end.

"Ten minutes till Jisoo is here!" Jennie grins, a panicked look soon replaces the smile as she realizes what is happening.

"Oh shit! Ten minutes till Jisoo is here!" Jennie scrambles off the floor and darts to her closet, grabbing her hairbrush off her makeup stand on the way. Looking at all the different shades of yellow she quickly becomes overwhelmed, plopping down onto the small chair in the walk in closet she eyes a grey and pair of jean shorts on the bottom shelf and the white crop top lying next to it. Tossing on her clothes she dives to the bathroom, taking care of her morning routine. All in the nick of time as she hears a knock on the door.

The sight of Jennie's clean, white mansion is a sight Jisoo could never get tired of, she thinks as she waits on the front door to open. Her blood red Porsche creating a perfect contrast to the rest of the marbled scenery.

"Babe!" Jennie shouts as she rips the front door open and jumps onto the red clad girl, almost knocking the love of her life off the stairs. Jennie plants a huge kiss onto Jisoo's cherry lips. Pulling Jisoo by the arm into the house she drags her to the kitchen. Lifting herself up onto the kitchen counter the cold granite touches her thighs. She smiles over to her Jennie, who looks absolutely fantastic in her crop top and her light blue jean short shorts with a pair of black converse and the iconic red scrunchie holding up her ponytail.

"So. I remember you mentioning something about making food? I'm starving, Sunshine." Jisoo jokes, motioning to the huge silver fridge across from them.
Jennie giggles as she hops off the counter and starts to look into the fridge. Pulling out the ingredients to make chocolate chip cookies. Looking back at Jisoo, she gets a raised brow in return.

"What?! You've never made cookies from scratch before?" Jennie exclaims, teasing Jisoo jokingly.

"I've made them, it's just not my preferred baking choice, I normally lean towards cake of some sort." Jisoo retaliates, a hint of sass in her tone.

Setting all the ingredients on to the counter the pair begin to attempt the cookies, after a couple minutes Jennie decides it throw a big handful of flour at Jisoo, which causes a full out food fight between the two. Chocolate chips, sugar, flour, and various other items used go more places then the cookies, both Jennie and Jisoo ending up covered head to toe in flour with chocolate in their hair. Sitting on the floor of the kitchen in a pile of flour the two sit, laughing like crazy as Jisoo pulls a chocolate chip out of her hair.

"Dang, Jendeuk! We've seriously caused a mess!" Jisoo chuckles, scooping up a handful of the power and letting it fall through her fingers.

"This is gonna be such a pain to clean!" Jennie laughs as she falls back onto the cabinet. She looks over to Jisoo, straight into a pair of dark eyes looking back at her.

"I love you Jisoo, there is no one else I'd rather make a mess with." Jennie says, the soft morning sun shining through the window perfectly right onto her her grinning face. Catching all the curves of her tanned skin.

"I love you too Jendeuk." Jisoo smiles, her face lighting up Jennie's whole world.

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