thunder and lightning || jenlisa

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Lisa knows Jennie is afraid of storms. She takes care of it.


The first year for the new trainees at YG was winding down to a close with only less than a month remaining. The trainees had the option to return home for the holiday season before the last evaluation of the year if they so desired. The rest of the students remained to rest in their dorms or apartments until their fellow students returned home.

Lalisa Manoban sat at the desk provided to her from Mr. Yang in her dorm room late in the evening. Papers were scattered everywhere as she used this break as an opportunity to get a head start on her new rap she was writing. She had a candle lit with the scent "Cashmere Pumpkin" filling her small room. Her window was cracked open with the fall breeze slipping in gently to rustle her papers ever so slightly. She wore an oversized, black sweater and a pair of dark, rust-colored leggings. Her hair was tied on top of her head in a messy bun. Despite the work at hand, she was the most relaxed she had been since she started classes.

Most of the girls in her building had returned home. Helen had simply opted out to focus on her schoolwork. Not only that, but her family was never the type to get together for large celebrations either. She took solace in her alone time, knowing she'd be way ahead of everybody else come next week.

Lisa was hunched over her paper, pressing the pencil hard into the notebook. She was purely engrossed in the rap she was writing. It had been difficult to write at first, but now she was on a roll and the words kept flowing onto the paper.

A knock at her door broke both her concentration and the led from the tip of her pencil as she was startled out of her concentration. She whipped around in her chair and stared at the door with brows furrowed in confusion. She was definitely the only person left on her floor, and all of the members had gone home for the holidays. She stood up and walked toward the door cautiously.

Lisa opened the door slowly, peeking through the gap. She immediately threw open the door with a shriek of surprised happiness when she saw who was on the other side.

"Jennie-yah!" Lisa shouted, throwing her arms around the taller girl and squeezing her tight.

Lisa chuckled at her welcome and returned the tight hug. "Hi, Lisa. I hope I'm not interrupting?"

Lisa followed Jennie's gaze behind them to her messy desk. "Sorry for the mess. I'm trying to get a head start on this month's evaluation."

"Oh!" Jennie responded, looking slightly nervous. "I didn't know you were so busy. Do you want me to leave? I can leave. I'll just be in my room then..."

Jennie's rambling was cut short by a stretched pair of arms reaching around her neck and Lisa's lips capturing hers in a deep kiss. The shorter girl relaxed immediately into the kiss and placed her hands on Lisa's hips. She let out a sigh of pleasure.

Lisa pulled away, her hands resting on Jennie's cheeks. "I don't ever want you to leave, stupid. Come in. I needed a break."

Jennie blushed and smiled bashfully before entering the room. She sat on Lisa's unmade bed and took a deep whiff of the aroma coming from the lit candle.

"Smells good in here, Lis."

"Thank you! The smell of fall always relaxes me. It makes it easier to concentrate," Lisa replied, cleaning up her papers at her desk. She looked up and out the window to see dark storm clouds looming overhead. "Looks like we're getting a storm."

Jennie stiffened and wrapped her arms around herself protectively. Lisa turned to look at her, her smile turning into a frown as she saw Jennie shutting down.

"Hey," she said, walking over to the girl to sit down on the bed beside her. Lisa put her hand on Jennie's cheek and gave her a reassuring smile. "The storm can't get you here. You're on the ground, and you're here with me. I won't let anything happen to you."

Jennie looked away with an embarrassed blush painting her cheeks. "I know. It's so stupid but I just hate them so much."

A bright bolt of lightning flashed in the distance. Almost immediately after, the dorm room shook with the boom of thunder, signaling the girls that the storm was almost on top of the area. Lisa frowned out the window and turned to look at Jennie who had her head in her hands and her eyes clenched shut.

"Oh, baby. Come here," Lisa said, holding her arms open.

Jennie wasted no time in wrapping her arms around Lisa's waist and burying her face in her chest. Lisa moved the two of them to lay back on the bed. She held the girl in her arms and began stroking her hair.

"You haven't said much, baby," Lisa said.

"I'm sorry. You know how nervous storms make me," Jennie muttered into Lisa's chest. She had wanted to spend the evening with Lisa after surprising her hanging out and catching up late into the night like they used to. Maybe put on some music and Lisa would play with her hair. But, instead, she was reduced to a shivering mess because of a little storm.

"I'm sorry," Jennie said again, burying her face deeper.

"Oh, baby. Don't be sorry," Lisa responded. She stroked Jennie's hair with a gentle rhythm. "I hate that storms make you so afraid, but there's nowhere else I'd rather have you than in my arms."

Jennie picked up her head to look up at Lisa with a blush on her face once more. "Really?"

"Really," Lisa said, leaning down to kiss Jennie's cheek.

"You're beautiful, Jen." Jennie practically melted under the girl's roaming gaze all over her face.

"Lisa-yah, stop." Lisa smirked. She flipped the two of them so that she was straddling Jennie's hips with her own. She began placing feathered kisses in various places on Jennie's face and neck.

"I love your eyes." A kiss on the corner of her eye.

"I love your nose." A kiss to her nose.

"I love your cheeks." A kiss to her cheeks that grew even more red.

"I love your lips." A teasing kiss to the side of her mouth.

"Your neck." A kiss to her neck that turned into a sharp nibble. Jennie gasped and released her breath with a whimpering moan.

"I love you, Jennie."

Jennie flipped the two so that she was back on top of Lisa and kissed her with desperation. Lisa moaned into Jennie's mouth and tangled her tiny hands into floating hair. Jennie pulled back, staring down at Lisa with pupils blown wide in excitement and her chest heaving with each deep breath. Lisa's hair was now messy in various places and a smirk adorned her lips.

Another loud clap of thunder broke the spell. Lisa instinctively wrapped her arms around Jennie and pulled her protectively to her chest.

Jennie squeezed her eyes shut. "Oh god, I'm so sorry," she whimpered, her whole body shaking.

"Oh, Jennie. You're trembling, baby. I've got you," Lisa said. She stretched her arm over to flick the light switch down and turn off the light. They buried themselves under the blankets and settled down, Jennie clutching tightly to Lisa's side.

Lisa continued to run her fingers through Jennie's hair and pressed kisses to her forehead. "Sleep, baby. I've got you. We can hang out tomorrow."

Jennie's eyes grew heavy. She was still slightly disappointed she didn't say much or get to spend time with Lisa, but she felt so unbelievably comfortable in her arms. The fingers in her hair never faltered as she fell asleep in the small bed, pressed up against the smaller woman.

"My sleepy girl," Lisa whispered. Her hand began to slow down and came to a stop tangled in dark hair. Their breathing evened out and neither of them noticed as the storm raged through the night around them.

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