on the horizon || chaelisa

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When Chaeyoung gets sick, she tries to work herself down to the bone. Lisa doesn't let her.

so i recently watched chaeyoung's insta live and she said she's had a cold for a little bit, soooo yea


Chaeyoung didn't want to admit it, but she could feel herself getting sick.

The stress of her upcoming solo debut, fast paced work and very little rest were beginning to catch up to her. From her years in this business, she could usually stick it out a little longer, but it all seemed to pile up at once in this case.

Jisoo gave Chaeyoung a curious glance when she sneezed for probably the millionth time in the past ten minutes. "Are you sick, Chaeng?"

Not wanting to worry her, Chaeyoung gave her a comforting smile. "It's nothing. It'll pass soon."

"Okay..." Jisoo looked skeptical, looking back on the lyrics she and Chaeyoung were working on. "Just don't get me sick."

Chaeyoung laughed. "No problem."


It was most certainly not nothing. That much became apparent when the sneezing turned into coughing and a fever. And more sneezing.

Chaeyoung didn't want to worry anyone, but she didn't want it to get worse. When she got a moment alone, she went to see Alice, who was more than happy to give her a couple antibiotics that were left over in her cabinet.

"You ought to talk to YG about taking some time off and relaxing at the dorm," Alice said as Chaeyoung swallowed the pills she had been given. Chaeyoung quickly shook her head.

"I'm okay, it'll go away soon enough. If I can improve myself, I'm going to improve myself. I want my solo debut to impress the Blinks. I don't want to disappoint," Chaeyoung said, her voice sounding raspier. Now a sore throat to go along with everything else. Great.

Alice narrowed her eyes, putting her hands on her hips. "If you keep overworking yourself, you actually won't improve, Chaeng."

Chaeyoung chuckled. "Fine, I'll take it easy."


"Alice," Chaeyoung said with a firmer tone, but not a harsh one. "We don't know what could happen over a span of a few days or even a few hours. The quicker I impress YG, the better. And I need to improve my dance, so I won't delay our next comeback."

Alice, knowing she wasn't getting anywhere, sighed and let her hands fall back to her sides. "Fine. Just don't be stupid. And keep taking those pills once a day."



That night found Chaeyoung in her room alone, as Jisoo was out with Jennie. Chaeyoung sighed and shoved her head in her hands, another round of coughing raking her body.

The knocks on the door caused Chaeyoung to snap up, quickly trying to ease her coughing fit with a drink of water. "Yeah, come in."

The door pushed open and Lisa tentatively poked her head in, and Cht relaxed a bit at the sight of her girlfriend. "Hey," Lisa greeted, shutting the door behind her and shoving her hands in her pockets.

"Hi," Chaeyoung said, a little breathlessly. Either she was sicker than she thought, or Lisa just had that effect on her. "Is there something you need?"

"What, I can't just come see you because I want to?" Lisa said with a soft smile, crossing the room and leaning into Chaeyoung slightly. "There actually is something I wanted to ask you."


Instead of speaking, Lisa moved her hand to Chaeyoung's forehead, pressing her palm flat against it. The smile faded from her face, replaced with a scowl. "I knew it."

"What?" Chaeyoung asked, even though she already knew. When Lisa gave her a slightly irritated look, she sighed. "Who told you?"

"Does it matter ?" Lisa snapped, crossing her arms. "I thought it was just a cough."

"It is just a cough."

"A cough you're feverish from and taking pills for?"


"I don't want to hear it," Lisa said firmly, taking Chaeyoung's hand and leading her over to her bed. "Lay down."

Knowing she wasn't going to win this battle, Chaeyoung complied, crawling onto her bed and shuddering when another fit of coughs took over her body. Through the coughing, she could her Lisa mutter, "Jesus Christ, Chaeng."

Chaeyoung laid her head on her pillow, looking up at Lisa. "You don't have to worry about me, you know."

Lisa's brow furrowed. "Of course I do. It's kind of part of the whole girlfriend package." When Chaeyoung didn't reply, Lisa gently took her beanie off her head and placed it on the dresser. "Scoot over."

Chaeyoung obliged, and when there was enough room Lisa laid down next to her. They laid there for a moment, enjoying the stillness and quiet of the room, listening only to the other breathe.

Lisa turned her back to Chaeyoung after a while, and Chaeyoung wrapped her arm gently around her waist, pulling her closer. The warmth of the other girl combined with the fever were starting to make Chaeyoung sweat, but she couldn't bring herself to care. "Isn't it kinda counterproductive if you're worried about me being sick, but you're sharing a bed with me?" Chaeyoung mumbled, running her fingertips gently up and down Lisa's side.

Lisa just hummed in response, curling deeper into Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung smiled, settling her arm on Lisa's stomach and pressing an affectionate kiss to the crook of her neck. "I have to go in a couple hours-"

"Shh," Lisa shushed her softly, placing her own free arm over the one Chaeyoung had wrapped around her middle. "Don't worry about that right now. We do enough worrying in one day."

Chaeyoung just smiled. "I didn't take you for the 'let's take it easy and not care' type."

"I'm not, usually," Lisa agreed. "But when I'm tired as all hell and my girlfriend is overworking herself to the point of getting sick, I could use a couple hours of relaxing."

"Is that a hint that you want me to shut up and sleep?"

"No, but this is. Shut up and sleep."

Chaeyoung giggled, settling down next to Lisa and slightly tightening her hold on her middle. "Lalis?"

Lisa sighed. "Yeah?"


She didn't respond for a moment, but right before Chaeyoung succumbed to sleep, she heard a quiet, "Goodnight, Chaeng."

The next morning, when Lisa awoke with a cold, Jennie nearly beat the two girls over the head with a spatula.

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