Chapter 1 : Meeting New People

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You're in a deep sleep at the moment having one of those wonderful dreams where you can litteraly do anything. At this very moment, you're flying over a random city, not caring about anything. Suddenly, you feel yourself falling and your huge angel-like wings, failing you. You're plummeting through the sky and just before you hit the ground at maximum speed and break every single bone in your body, you wake up, shook and panting. You're sitting on your bed, sweaty and confused. You pinch yourself only to realize you weren't in a dream this time. You look outside at the beautiful town you live in. So calming. Everyone is here knows everybody. You can imagine how hard it was for them to accept you and your family. About 5 years ago, your mom had a job Korea. In a small town. Not Seoul, no. A small. Town. Very. Small. Everyone here knows and supports each other. So it was really hard to get accepted by the townspeople. As it wasn't enough, you had to learn Korean and korean culture. It had been hard, but more for your mom than for you or your brother. She had to learn everything quickly in order to get a job and understand locals. You respected that. It had been hard. All the family had to move along with her, as it was her who had full responsibility of both of you now. Well.....all your family....your father had cheated on your mom a couple times, and furthermore, was an alcoholic. You never knew him well, since he divorced your mom for a younger woman when you were about 9 years old. But you knew well enough that he wasn't a good person to stay around or to trust. Oh well, enough daydreaming. You look at your alarm clock and realize it's 6 o'clock and that it didn't ring.

Y/n : OH SHIT I'M LATE TO WORK, you scream.

You put on quickly your work uniform as you rush down the stairs. You run to the kitchen, almost trip on your little brother's toys he left on the ground BUT STILL DIDN'T PICK UP AFTER HE FINISHED PLAYING WITH THEM and grab an apple on the table. Your little brother is playing on the ground with a small toy train, making "Choo-Choo" sounds. You pat his head and tell him goodbye. As you were going to leave with the apple in your mouth, your mom rushes in from the living room to stop you.

Your mom: Y/n?

You stop and turn around, with the apple still in your mouth. You manage to get a weird "Gjwhat" out of your mouth. Your little brother sees this from the corner of his eye and start laughing hysterically. You turn to him and smile.

Y/n : What, mom?

Your mom: Honey, you should really eat more than apple isn't enough food for someone your age......

You sigh, annoyed by the fact that she's always right.

Y/n : You're right mom....

You quickly go to the cupboards, open one and grab a protein bar out of it.

Y/n : Happier now, mom? Now if you please, I'd really like to go to work. I'm late.

Your mom: Yeah you can go, honey. Have a good day!

As you're about to go, your mom screams your name.

Y/n : WHAT??

You have your hand on the door handle, ready to leave, as you hear your mom scream.

Your mom : DON'T FORGET YOUR BACKPACK, YOUR LUNCH AND YOUR SPARE CLOTHES FOR SCHOOL, she screams to you from the kitchen.

Y/n : THANKS MOM, you scream back.

You leave your house, say goodbye to your brother and to your mother, grab everything and leave. After what seems like an eternity in traffic, you finally arrive to your work place; a supermarket where you've been working at for more than 2 years, before and after school. You don't really like working there, but it helps you pay for small things here and there. You also have some regulars you really enjoy. They are the ones that retain you from quitting your stupid job at the supermarket, because here, almost every employee working here seems to be either annoyed and bored. Or limit creepy.

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