Chapter 33 : Your Choice

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You thought about it for a moment. You had no other choice but to accept if you wanted to live. Of course, you were still young and this world still had a lot to offer you. So, you had to think of a clever way to get out of this delicate situation. If Namjoon was right and Jimin was dead, that meant that he couldn't come from nowhere to save you. Taehyung switching sides meant that he couldn't save you either....Taehyung... His entire reply, telling you why he did this, made absolutely no sense whatsoever to you, but you didn't care and rather continued to think of a plan that could get you out of this situation. If you said yes to Namjoon, he would probably be protecting you with his life, since he was so madly in love with you, which was actually a big benefit. You would gain advantages. You wouldn't be chased around everywhere, risking your life. You'd be well fed, well taken care for, and loved. The most important was that Namjoon, being of a higher rank than Jungkook, could actually protect you from him, which was great, because Jungkook was honestly creepier than Namjoon. Lastly, being with him, and acting like you did love him would only mean one thing. You would have a lot of chances to run away from Namjoon and the rest of them, alive, if you ever got out in town with Namjoon. You could even excuse yourself, having to go to the bathroom, and boom! You'd be free! On the other hand, you'd have to be his, giving him everything he would want, whenever he felt like so. This thought was highly disturbing to you, but looking at the advantages, they were greater than the disadvantages. So you made your choice. Jungkook, still guarding your side, has his hands tracing down your back, despite Namjoon warning him earlier and whispering to himself "luscious body, baby". This became annoying quite quickly and you just wanted him to let go of you now. You took a good look at everyone. Taehyung was in the far corner, hiding in the shadows, hopefully regretful of what he did. Jin was in front of you, standing on your left. Weirdly, he was looking a bit down, but you didn't understand why. To his left, were Yoongi and Hoseok, in that order. They were staring, emotionless, at the scene that was happening in front of them. Being done observing, you took a deep breath in, filling your lungs completely with the iron filled air as you readied yourself for your big announcement.

Y/n : Namjoon?

Kim Namjoon : Hum?

He turns around, looking at you from up high, since you were still sitting on the chair and STILL tied down to it. The moment he turns around, Jungkook removes his hands from you, finally keeping them at bay. Namjoon waits eagerly for your final answer as he looks at you with a mixture of love and lust. You can physically feel his eyes traveling up and down your "luscious" body as Jungkook says so well himself. You sigh, knowing too well that the two short sentences that you're about to pronounce will change your life radically, for the better or for the worst.

Y/n : I accept being your lover, Namjoon. I love you too.

I know, I know this is a short one. But I felt like cutting the action in smaller parts was better than just having one big chunk of text toping 1K+ words. I hope you still enjoyed this short one!


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