Chapter 3 : The Hospital

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When you finally woke up, you thought you were pretty sure you were dead. Well, at least you got to see V in your life. Anyway, the ceiling was egg white, the 4 walls were egg white and except from some lab equipment, your clothes and the bed, everything was white. You were now sitting on your bed when you felt an intense pain on your side. You decided to check what it was. On the pain area, was stitches and you could feel every single one of them. You didn't know there was medical care in Heaven, but Heaven is Heaven. At this moment someone entered the white room. It was a young man, in his thirties, wearing a white lab coat. He seemed very nice because he was smiling a lot. Like way too much. Kinda creepy, but rather nice. He had a set of piercing black eyes. He was searching something in his papers, when he noticed you.

Doctor : Oh! You're awake! We were scared we gave you a too big dosage of anesthesia.

He laughed at his own joke. He was still smiling at you. It was kinda weird.

Y/n : Where....where am I, you asked while rubbing your head.

Doctor : Oh you're in an hospital! Lucky for you, your boyfriend got you here just in time.

Y/n : boyfriend?

Doctor : Yes, huh wait.

He flipped through his notes, while still smiling. Man, for a doctor, he was a little too smiley at your taste.

Doctor : You're Y/n L/n right?

Y/n : Uh.....yeah?

Doctor : Well I'm not wrong, there's a young man that brought you here. He was sitting in the waiting room right before I went in to check on you, he told me to take good care of you. Of course, who am I not to do my job right? You're still alive! Fun fact : He's been sitting in here for more than 3 days straight, going out only to go grab something to eat. He was next to you for the whole first night until we told him you were going to have to go to surgery. He really, really didn't want to leave you alone, apparently, and wanted to check on you right after your surgery. He signed all of your legal documents! I mean. If that isn't love right there! Oh anyway, after a lot of convincing, he let you go to surgery. I mean. He really wanted you to have someone checking on you 24/7. So me and him did rounds to check on you. I mean. More him. I guess he hasn't slept in more than 2 and a half days. Oh and we were leaving for surgery, he left you this. He wanted us to give it to you, since he has just gone out for lunch. He seemed so tired. We checked on him, don't worry. But it seemed he didn't get many hours of sleep this week. He wanted us to have it in case you'd wake up when he wasn't around.

The doctor gave you a note.

Doctor : I mean. He really wanted to stay besides you. Oh and you should have seen him in the waiting room! I mean. Is he popular or something? Because he had a crowd of women following him almost everywhere. We had to move him! You see this chair?

He points a chair next to you.

Y/n : Yeah? What's special with it?

Doctor : Well he sat there instead. He told us he didn't want to be bothered by the "ARMY". I mean. What's an ARMY? Anyway, he slept there too.

Y/n : On a chair?

Doctor : Well, yeah. Well slept....he told us he had this weird sleeping habit to hug someone when he's sleeping? I mean. That's kinda cool. For a boyfriend. Anyway, he couldn't sleep with you since you've got a broken rib, but we arranged. A nurse found him a big pillow. We told him to get a bed if he wanted to sleep in the same room, but your boyfriend wanted to sleep on the chair. Said it didn't matter to him.

Y/n : He's not my boyfriend.......

Doctor : Oh, said the doctor, surprised. Well you're a lucky girl to have him as a friend. Oh and let me tell you, he was dramatic! He came in with you in his arms, blood everywhere on his shirt, asked me calmly to help him, and followed me. I mean. That's dramatic. I mean. He wanted so badly to stay with you, that he didn't even want to change clothes! Luckily for us, he accepted to changed clothes after convincing him that the blood on his shirt would make him look suspicious.

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