Chapter 4 : Back to School

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You wake up the next day, tired, but feeling better. Your alarm woke you up at 5:30. Damn. You forgot to set it to 7:00! You decide to take this time to take your painkillers and to put your ice for 15 minutes. You go down the stairs, carefully, by sitting on each of the stairs so that your broken rib wouldn't feel the shock of going down the stairs. You walk to the kitchen and see your mom, sitting at the table, drinking her daily coffee.

Your mom : Hey Y/n! How are you feeling?

Y/n : Eh. Not that great. You know about my rib?

Your mom : Yeah your friend told me so. You fell from the stairs, but he told me someone caught you.

Y/n : Yeah...exactly what happened.

Your mom didn't seem convinced. What are you going to say to appease her?

Y/n : Well actually, he was at the bottom of the stairs. I tripped, I don't know on what, but I tripped, fell down the stairs and as he saw me failling down, he caught me, and brought me to the hospital.

Your mom : Well.......

You were unsure if she accepted your story. Sweat started to drip down your back as you started to stress out.

Your mom : Your friend told me the same story. So it makes sense.

Fiewwwwwww! She's such a detective! Luckily for you, V said the same thing.

Your mom : Anyway, I hope you're feeling better now. But don't you think you're waking up a bit soon? Are you going to work?

Y/n : I am feeling better mom. The doctors made a very good job. I was just getting myself some ice and I'm not going to work today.....or for 6 weeks. The doctor told me so.

Your mom : Glad to hear about it. Anyway, the doctor also told me what you should do, but he told me you already knew what treatment you'll have to follow.

Y/n : That's cool. Give me a minute, mom, I just need to call Mr.George to tell him I won't be working for a few weeks.

Your mom : I don't think you'll have to. I called in myself two days ago to tell him you were injure and that you couldn't come to work for a long time. I can't believe he hung up on me the moment I said it. You have a very unpleasant boss.

Y/n : Yeah I know, you sighed.

Your mom : Anyway honey, go grab your ice and go listen to TV. I'm sure it'll calm you down.

Your grab your ice and wrap it in a small piece of cloth and put the frozen water on your rib. It was kinda cold, but it felt way better and it hurt less. You're just switching through the channels when suddenly you come across one of these morning shows. You decide to stay on the channel and just listen to that, because nothing was good on the other channels. There was two hosts to this show ; a man and a woman. The woman seemed korean, and she was wearing a black dress with cute earrings, she seemed in her early 30's. The man, on the contrary, seemed chinese, he was wearing a blue tuxedo and he seemed 30ish. They were both very attractive people.

The woman on the show : Anyway, have you heard the rumours about Kpop star Kim Taehyung?

The man on the show : I haven't heard anything about him? What happened?

The woman on the show : Apparently, paparazzis caught him leaving an hospital in Seoul. As shown in the picture that went worldwide yesterday night.

A picture of V walking on a street showed up by the woman's side. He was hidding his face with the usual : the sunglasses, the cap and the stylish hospital mask.

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