Chapter 24 : Silence

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Mr. George : I don't think that she could be in here, Mr. Taehyung, but we can still-

The next few minutes happened without any sound, as you zoned-out, muting completely the sounds coming from everyone's mouths, too scared of the fact that you were this close to being raped by James. As you sat there, you saw Mr. George's face turn livid as he stayed in the door frame, frozen, as he recognized you, on the ground, still not moving, a tear as an hello and an apology, not even a meter away from James, his trusty employee. Taehyung's expressions radically changed in his case. He went from happiness to finally finding you, to worry, as he saw you lying on the ground, as you turned your head only very slowly towards him, revealing your teary eyes, that screamed help to him without having to let a single word out and finally, to intense rage, when he saw James with his belt off. A bolt of silver grey hair rushed to James and in a matter of seconds, James was on the ground, receiving powerful kicks and punches left and right, trying to protect his face to the best of his abilities, but still already hurt as his nose was bleeding and in a weird 45 degree angle, clearly showing that it was broken, and there was already a dark blue patch on his jaw as he had recieved a strong unavoidable low punch. Taehyung was lost in his rage, as you old boss' face winced, probably screaming him to stop, but your Taehyung was uncontrollable, in fact, he was giving punches faster and faster to James, who was curled up in a ball on the ground, as Taehyung kicked and kicked, hoping to probably break his bones. He took a fistful of James' hair and started slamming James's head as hard as he could on the wall, making his uncurl from his little ball of weakness. Then, Mr. George starting getting involved by trying to restrain one of Taehyung's hands, which Taehyung simply shoved him away as he kept hitting James' head on the wall. Mr. George was screaming, but you didn't know what he was screaming. You slowly sat down, with your back pressed on the bottom of the ugly couch. Taehyung punched and punched, only growing in strength and in anger every single time. He yelled at James, probably telling him off, but you couldn't make a single word out of it. Taehyung was sweaty and tired, and his shirt was sticking on his wonderful body, but he still was furious. He was breathing heavily and he was shaking a little, but for good mesure, he gave James a good nutshot and spat on him. He then turned to you, and wiped off his mouth with the back of his shirt's sleeve. He looked worringly at you, his mouth open slightly in a half frown. He stroke your face ever so softly, wiping off a new tear that had formed. He talked at you softly, but mostly worried about you. Your eyes were absent, and they didn't make contact with his, and even if they did, they were souless, you just knew it. He was waving to you, as he mouthed an exaggerated hi so that you would understand, but you didn't have the energy to answer him back or wave at him. You kept silence even when his brown catlike eye started forming a little tear, which ran down his cheek quickly, as if it had never even existed. He said hello, but you didn't answer him back, as you were unable to, and seeing his distress, you would have cried, but you remained there, looking at him like the souless creature you had become. Thoughts formed in your mind of you taking him in your arms to tell him that you were going to be okay, that everything was fine and that you loved him very much, but none of these happen. You didn't even open your mouth, and remained completely silent. He was broken inside, but you knew that you were too. He mouthed something, but you were unable to make it out, and he slid his hands oh so gently under you, as he took you in his arms, bridal style. You immediately felt more safe in his grasp, as if unconsciously, you knew that he was going to treat you right. Now in his arms, you rested your head on his chest, and taking that as a sign, he smilled a little-a half broken smile to reassure himself, and walked slowly away with you in his arms. On your way to the door, you saw James, clearly unconscious, and not moving, blood staining his perfect work uniform, his nose in a weird angle, bruised to the bone and with a black eye. Your old boss yelled something at Taehyung but he didn't reply and kept his cool. After a few turns, he came back into the supermarket. The few people that were still in there didn't amalagate themselves around Taehyung this time, seeing your still shocked, souless eyes and Taehyung's serious face. You arrived to the exit pretty quickly, which was rare, of course, under the few pair of eyes of a few curious people. The moon was high in the sky and a cold breeze had risen, making you a bit chilly. As you got closer to the lampost-yellow lit up car and the half dark Jimin who was still stretching out his calves, you felt Taehyung scream. Jimin immediately stopped stretching out and quickly sat down at the front of the wheel. Tae put you on the backseat as you looked at him, unimpressed. He was about to close the door, when in some reflex for human contact, you tugged his shirt, not wanting to let him go away from you. He said something, but you didn't understand him, but he told Jimin something, and then, after making sure you were okay in the backseat, he sat down next to you, and shut the car door behind him. You looked at him, staring his chest. Without having to talk, he came closer to you and, grabbing you carefully under your legs, he took you in his arms and wrapped his strong arms around you. Jimin drove off and quickly regained the highway. Jimin turned around a few times to ask question directly to Tae, as you felt vibrations in his chest when he answered back his questions. Quickly, you leaned your whole body on his chest, putting your head near his heart.

Boom, boom.

Boom, boom.

Boom, boom.

This regular tempo of Tae's heart, his conforting arms and one of his hands petting your head repetitively, quickly drove you into a dreamless sleep, in safety from everything bad in this world.

I hope you guys are enjoying it so far. For the moment, everything seems to go okay, but is it really going to be for that long?


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