Chapter 22 : Is this the End? Part 2

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You never thought, that one day, you'd be doing this. Fleeing your former life, your friends, your school, away from your dead family members, right here, right now, with your boyfriend and his best friend fleeing their former best was nearly impossible, but somehow it had happened. Life was a twisted game of which you were the queen and the rest of BTS were the ones controlling the check board. The ride was long and exhausting, and you didn't know how far Taehyung would drive until he'd need to fill up his tank again. When it turned 9 pm, after more than 2 hours of just sitting in the car, in silence after the question you asked them left them in complete and utter silence, you were in need of going to the bathroom desperately.

Y/n : Yeah huh.....Tae...?

Kim Taehyung : What's wrong, babe, he said, looking in his back miroir, his brown eyes staring intensely at yours.

Y/n : Could we stop somewhere, please?

Park Jimin : I mean, I think we're far enough from...them...I could use a little bit of stretching.

Kim Taehyung : Fine you two, but you'll have to be quick Y/n, I don't want them to spot us, they've got spies litteraly everywhere.

Y/n : Okay thanks, Tae.

Park Jimin : I think Taehyung deserves a kiss, he said, smirking to you, ESPECIALLY because he's about to risk it all just for you to go to the bathroom, he smiled innocently.

Y/n : Give us a break, Jimin!

You playfully punched him, on the muscle part of the arm. You seatbelt stretched to flow with your move.

Park Jimin : OW! Taehyung! She punched me, he yelled, surprised of the strength of your punch.

Kim Taehyung : I'm not the boss of her, if you got anything to tell her, tell her, I can't do anything to her.

His eyes go back to driving as Jimin pouts like a kid, "angry" that Tae didn't take his defense and stop this "abuse".

Park Jimin : Fine. Y/n, quit punching me, it hurts, he pouted cutely.

You and Taehyung laugh at Jimin's cute little kiddish pout. The car starts to slow down as Taehyung stops to get to the next exit. The car roars, slowing down in the exit, as a light rain falls down the car window. You can barely see anything outside, but the full grey Moon lights a little bit your way. The grey Moon. Just like Tae's wavy hair. Geez, you have to stop thinking about him, now that you've got him as your boyfriend. You stop a second to look at Tae in the front miroir, smiling. He noticed it and looks at you, briefly, smiling you back, mouthing an "I love you". Jimin sees this and looks at you, disgusted.

Park Jimin : Won't you guys stop for a second? It's really cringy.

Kim Taehyung : When you'll find true love you'll feel the same way as me, he smirks.

Park Jimin : AWWW......Taehyung, you never told me you were so romantic !

Jimin smiles cutely to him and Tae smiles just looking at his friend.

Kim Taehyung : I mean, these's a whole lot of things I haven't told you about.

Park Jimin : Like your real name?

Jimin's eyes go wide as he leans back, bracing, waiting for a playful punch from Tae, which this time, didn't happen.

Y/n : Like both of your real names?

Jimin turns on the front seat, trying his best to face you, as he starts speaking excitedly.

Park Jimin : I mean, I can tell you mine right now, so we'll all be good! No more secrets! My name is....

Tae puts his hand on Jimin's mouth, keeping him from saying his real name. By this occasion, the car goes a bit on the left, but Tae manages to keep his hand on Jimin's mouth long enough not to cause a crash or for Jimin to reveal his identity.

Park Jimin : Mhm mhm mhm Hey!

Jimin slaps Tae's hand off, pissed off.

Kim Taehyung : No real names right now, Jimin. We never know who's listening or if this car is full of microphones.

Park Jimin : What's the chance-

Tae cuts him off by looking at him seriously.

Park Jimin : Okay, well I guess..sorryTaeIdidn'tmeanto.

Kim Taehyung : It's okay now. Oh we're close to the exit, so please get ready guys.

Park Jimin : MKAY TAE!!!

Y/n : Calm down Jimin, you say, giggling.

Park Jimin : What do you mean calm down, I'm always like this! Right Tae?

Kim Taehyung : He's right. He's an happy little baby. Just look at those cheeks!

Tae pokes Jimin's cheeks as Jimin smiles happily. Without realizing it, you are now all stopped at some place, somewhere near somewhat civilization.

Kim Taehyung : Okay we're here guys, he says as he opens his door to let frsh air in. Be quick you two, I wouldn't like to stay forever in this place waiting for you two.

Park Jimin : Don't worry, he says as he slam shut the car's door and starts stretching out in the middle of the dark parking lot.

Y/n : You aren't coming Tae, you question as you realize that Tae isn't following you.

Park Jimin : Yeah, Tae. Just go outside and stretch with me!

Jimin pulls Taehyung out the car, struggling to keep Tae on his two feet. Tae groans as he gets out. Jimin and him talk together as Tae leans on the car and Jimin does splits, showing off in this badly lit parking lot. Their faces partly lit up by one of these yellowish lampost lights, but somehow they still both look fine in this bad lighting. You walk off, entering the building that stands tall in front of you. Almost as a reflex, you enter the automatic doors and go through, knowing where the bathroom are, and greeting people who don't wave at you back. It seems rather familiar, but you can't put your finger on it. Too familiar....

This place is.....

It's the supermaket where you've been working in for way too long. Fuck, OF ALL PLACES?

The floor's the same, the fruit stalls are the same, and you can recongnize yourself throughout the numerous aisles. Of all the stupid places, Tae had to stop here? You better hurry and walk faster to the exit before you hit that stupid boss or even worst, Ja-

??? : OW! Mind you, someone yells in pain.

During your stressing rush, you had managed to hit someone's back. An employee too. You hoped they wouldn't recognize you and talk to you for too long or tell you off, only retarding your trip.

Y/n : Sorry, I was distracted! I was just-

The person turns around and to your worst nightmare, you immediately recognize the person you hit. Someone you didn't like much, despised, even.


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