Chapter 38 : The Favour

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You backed away from the now dead Jin, holding back your tears. It was painful looking at him. You didn't get to know Jin that well, but his love seemed real, just like a storybook's perfect love. You turned your back to him, to avoid crying some more. You checked out the letter he gave you. An address was written on the back. It wasn't that far away from here, so you could get there by foot. But Namjoon wanted you to hurry and get dressed up...... So you obeyed, scared for your own life. You stepped over Jin's lifeless body, carefully trying not to disturb the dead man. You dressed up in a simple black dress, which was way too short for your liking. Opening cabinets, you found some jewelry and put a shiny necklace on, complementing the black dress. You took your old shoes and put them own, thinking about chancing it out and running away from him once arrived at the restaurant.

Your hand was on the door handle when you heard a low groan coming from behind you, on the ground. The groan become a chuckle. You turned around. Maybe Jin was just going crazy in his last instants, but you still wanted to be next to him in those last few moments. Getting closer to him, you realized he was smiling happily, as if he just won something.

Y/n : Jin are you alright?

Kim Seok-Jin : I was pretty good, huh? You really believed I had died! You should have seen your face!

Y/n : What the fuck Jin?

He continued chuckling. Internally, you were glad he was still alive, but why didn't he die? Didn't he just have a bullet straight to his heart?

Y/n : I thought you had died! Don't do this to me ever again!

Kim Seok-Jin : Pffffff, never cautious enough with Namjoon.

He sat down and opened his jacket a little, revealing a thick black vest at some key points, such as the stomach and the heart, all of this was probably very heavy. A shiny circular metal objects was lodged near his heart. It was probably the bullet, stopped in its course.

Kim Seok-Jin : Fake blood and a bulletproof vest.

Y/n : Great. I really wanted to cry my life out today.

Kim Seok-Jin : Okay so now Namjoon thinks I'm dead, which means he's going to leave me alone for a while. Though, it means I'll have to hide and flee this place, far, far away. Probably America. Want to come with me, Y/n? It's a one time offer. Oh and I'll have to take back my favour.

Y/n : I.....

You thought about it for a while. What really kept you living here? Why were you still here? Most of your close family was dead and the only family members still alive were all in America. You could go there, live with your dad. Or with Jin.

Y/n : I'd love to join you.

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