Chapter 32 : The Choice

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Y/n : What the actual fuck? me?

Kim Namjoon : Of course, princess! I never knew our biggest enemy, aka your mom, would have such a pretty daughter like you...

He gets off his chair, revealing a black leather chair, leaned in a weird angle. Modern chairs these days. He comes way too close to your taste, lifting your chin up, forcing you to look at him in the eyes. Jungkook, who's standing very closely to you, looks at this in jealousy, groaning softly at Namjoon, just loud enough so that only you can hear it. You look sideways, trying to avoid Jungkook's lustful eyes and Namjoon's piercing light brown eyes.

Kim Namjoon : Didn't your mother tell you to look at people when they talk to you?

You look at him, giving him your most angry death stare. Namjoon smirks, finally happy to see your eyes locking in with his, but he still looks slightly annoyed with the look you gave him.

Kim Namjoon : Hm, he whispers into your neck, pretty girls like you shouldn't be angry.

You can feel his hot breath on your neck and smell a small trace of alcohol in his breath. He takes big breaths in your neck, sending all the creep chills down your body. From the corner of your eye, you see that Taehyung is looking at all of this, seemingly uninterested. How can someone who used to love you from top to bottom be so uninterested in this? Namjoon finally lets go of your neck, not without regret.

Kim Namjoon : So what do you say?

Y/n : I want to know why the FUCK did Taehyung switch sides in a matter of seconds. It makes no sense.

Kim Namjoon : That's not the question, princess, he sighs. I'll let you a minute to think about my question, then....oh, Taehyung?

Taehyung, who had gazed off, now hearing his name, turns his head towards Namjoon.

Kim Taehyung : Yes, Namjoon?

Kim Namjoon : You're going to be the one shooting her if she says no or doesn't answer.

Kim Taehyung : Okay, he says in a montone voice.

Taehyung places himself behind you. Receiving a gun from Jungkook, he readies himself. You can feel the cold metal of the not yet fired gun on your temple, with no remorse whatsoever. You hear the gun get loaded in a loud metal noise. Letting out your last tear you would ever cry for him afterwards, crying for all these times you had spent with him. But no more tears were allowed now for this asshole. Namjoon sat back down on his leather chair, crossing one leg on top of the other.

Kim Namjoon : Perfect! Now, take all your time! Yoongi? Please count down for me.

Min Yoongi : Fine. 59. 58. 57. 56-

Y/n : Wait, wait, wait.

Min Yoongi : 48. 47. 46-

Y/n : I really want my question to be answered, Namjoon. Afterwards, I'll tell you my final decision.

Min Yoongi : 39. 38. 37-

Namjoon made a sign to Yoongi, to tell him to stop counting. Yoongi stooped immediately the count down, glad this was over. Namjoon leaned in towards you, like if he was doing it in slow mo.

Kim Namjoon : So, you'll say it afterwards?

Y/n : I promise you, Namjoon. I just want to know why-

Namjoon made another hand gesture to Taehyung, who breathed deeply in, profoundly annoyed at this small inconvenience.

Kim Taehyung : I was on their side from the beginning because it would have assured me a higher rank, except a bit lower than Jungkook's.

So they had a ranking between them. Interesting. You tried to find a way to exploit this later on, but you had nothing planned right now.

Y/n : And what do you get with this higher rank?

Kim Taehyung : Well, more money, more bitches, more lines, more fame.

Y/n : That's it? You sold me out for a little more fame? Kim Taehyung, you're already one of the most popular ones in the group, so it makes no sense.

Kim Taehyung : Well actually, you are more trusted with prisonners and get to-

Kim Namjoon : Okay, enough, Taehyung. So, now that you've got your answer, my precious angel, what will be your choice?

Hehehhe, sorry to cut it off this soon, I wanted to make it clear for everyone. Also, do you think Taehyung's motifs are good ones? Or do you think there's something more lying beneath all of this...?


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