Chapter 15 : A Little Surprise pt.2

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***Hehehhehehehehhe, I know. Another warning. You can guess what happens, blablabla, etc etc***



***etc etc, alert alert, but you've probably came here for the smut so who cares***

It had been another weak since your mom kicked you out of her house. It was mid October now, and sutumn leaves had started to fall, making crumbling sounds when you stepped over them. You had all your classes online now, but it didn't matter much, because you could now be with Tae most of the time. You and Tae still had a blooming relationship, and everything was going great. You still learnt Jungkook was retaught how to sing, and in a week, he started to remember the lyrics to his own group's songs. He still had a problem with names ; especially with Taehyung's, but knowing he was fully able to sing, everything about his possible exclusion had been put aside. Namjoon, after fainting of tiredness on you, a week ago, had slept for more than 2 days non-stop before he was able to be the same as before. But with Taehyung, everything went better after you left your mom's house. You could feel like he was the only one who understood you truly. He was....the perfect man. One particularly hot October day, you two decided to go out in town since Tae had a few free hours before dance practice. He wanted to take you on a date, his way.

So you took your long autumn brown coat, put it on, put your mask over your face and now only waited for Tae to be ready.

Y/n : I'm ready!

Kim Taehyung : Wait!! I just need to do one more thing, he says at the other side of the door.

Y/n : You're slow, Tae!

Kim Taehyung : I told wait!

He opens the bathroom door all at once. He's buttoning his shirt, slowly and putting on his black mask. When he realizes that you're staring at him with your hungry eyes, he turns to you.

Kim Taehyung : Oh, you're wearnig the mask I offered you?

Y/n : Of course, Tae.

Kim Taehyung : .....Enjoying the view, I guess.

Y/n : Very.

Kim Taehyung : Hm, he says, biting his lips sensually. I know you want it kitten, don't try to hide it, he says smirking.

Y/n : I......You're......

Kim Taehyung : I'm what?

Y/n : You're right, Tae.

Kim Taehyung : Thought so, kitten, he says, coming to you. We'll see later if you still want it, then maybe I'll make the date shorter, just for you. Also, you're wearing this expensive coat to go feed pigeons?

Y/n : Hell yeah, and you can't stop me!

He smiles.

Kim Taehyung : Fine. You do you! I'm warning you, this is the first time paparazzis might become invasive. And you'll see what I mean, by invasive.

Y/n : I don't care, Tae. All I want is to be with you, today. For once that we BOTH have free time!

Kim Taehyung : Okay, little angel. Let's go then. Which car do you want to take?

Y/n : Hummm....I think the limo is too much for pigeons.

You laugh with him.

Kim Taehyung : Okay, so we'll take your car then. Not that it's crappy or anything, it's just less visible.

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