Chapter 12 : The Call

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Five entire days had passed by since Jungkook's accident and Jimin fainting. Everyone was really silent, it was like walking in a cemetery. Nobody talked to anyone. People purposely avoided each other during lunch, or ate a few tables apart. For you, you spent time with Tae, but also with the others, talking to each and single one of them, and helping live through their pain. But the two most secluded were Suga and JHope. You know they were hurt, but that they couldn't tell anyone they were really suffering inside. Sometimes in the night, you heard them cry. They passed most of their time inside their rooms, in silence. They only opened for you or for Jimin. You two basically made them live, giving them food, because they didn't get out to go get it themselves. You bumped into Jimin one day, as you were going to talk to Jin and he was going to talk to Suga.

Park Jimin : Hey, Y/n. Would you like to go grab lunch together around 12? I never see anyone these days, I'd really appreciate it if you joined me.

Y/n : Of course! I'll bring Tae along if you don't mind.

Park Jimin : It's fine, see you later!

You passed the next hour talking to Jin. He seemed really tired. He told you he didn't get much sleep and was crying most of the night.

Y/n : I understand, Jin.......

Kim Seok-jin : Do you know.......what's it like to all be like that? It breaks my heart......we're a family.....

Y/n : I know Jin, I know.....He's going to be better, okay?

Kim Seok-jin : I want him to..........there's so many things I haven't told him. I just.....I miss him so much....both of them.

Then he cries, letting his tears run down his cheeks and soak, one drop at the time, his expensive pants. You feel like he needs a hug, but he turns his back on you. You know he wants to be left alone, but he's so sad....and nobody that's this sad should be alone. Without a warning, you get closer to him, and back hug him. You know it won't replace Jungkook being here with them, but it helps. He seems to calm down a little. You still hug him, not letting go of him. Then he wipes his eyes, softly, and turns around. You let go of him.

Kim Seok-jin : Thanks, Y/n....I feel really tired lately. My emotions are all over the place...thanks for what you're doing.

Y/n : You're welcome. Are you a bit hungry? If you want to see the others a little, I think it'll help a bit.

Kim Seok-jin : I don't feel like eating, Y/n...

Y/n : You should eat more, you say as you poke his stomach, I'm hungry.

He smiles.

Kim Seok-jin : I'll do it for you, and for Jungkook.

Y/n : There, come with me. I don't want to keep the others waiting. Go to the cafeteria, and go grab something. I just need to go grab Tae, alright?

Kim Seok-jin : Alright, see you.

You leave his room, leaving the door open. Then you arrive at Tae's room and knock.

Kim Taehyung : If you're not Y/n, please don't enter.

You enter. He's on the bed, wrapped up with his blankets. You lie down next to him. After a minute, he opens his arm and lets you go join in the wrapped up blankets. He then puts his arm on your back, wrapping you both in the blankets. He doesn't say a word.

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