Chapter 29 : The Ones Left Behind

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Despite your screams, Jimin stayed down. He was now further and further away from the train, until you couldn't see him anymore.

Why the fuck did all of this happen to you?

Jimin was a good friend to you lost him. And Taehyung was nowhere close...


You sat down in the darkest corner of the wagon and cried for a while. It felt good to finally be able to release all of these emotions. You were sitting on some bit of hay that was left there, but honestly, it didn't feel that bad. You held your knees close to your chest and cried in a foetal-like position, on the ground. Minutes went by. The sun was now a big red ball, going down the sky to get some rest. Its light was enlightening the wagon in a soft, calming way, but still left your corner in the dark, which you appreciated. Suddenly, you heard a loud metal noise coming from your wagon. You raised your head to see Taehyung, his hair all messed up from the wind and dirty from the field, but still looking cute, on the floor of the wagon. You guessed he had jumped from wagon to wagon to come find you and seemed happy to have finally found you.

Kim Taehyung : Oh man, you were further away than I had expected! I'm exhausted!

He crashed down on the floor, next to you and sighed loudly, as if he was hurt, one leg laying flat on the ground and the other laying closely to him. Despite everything, you stayed in the same position, not moving.

Kim Taehyung : Hey, is everything alright, he questioned you, resting his head on your lap.

Y/n : OF COURSE NOT, you screamed at him.

Kim Taehyung : Woah, woah, what happened?

Y/n : Are you blind, you replied agressively.

Kim Taehyung : I don't think I am, why?


Out of rage, you spring on your feet to go sit down at the opposite side of the wagon, trying not to fall while walking in a moving train. Suddenly, the train hits a rock, causing the wagons to shake dangerously and you fall, but Taehyung catches you with quick cat-like reflexes.

Y/n : Let me go, you rage out.

He lets you go, surprised, but smirking. You sit down, unharmed, but angry, in front of him.

Y/n : Aren't you sad for Jimin?

Kim Taehyung : Well yeah, but this guy has been able to get out of every situation.

Y/n : And why did you talk to him about "old times" before we tried to get in? What happened here?

Kim Taehyung : When we were younger, he sighed, me and Jimin ran away together. We ended up here, in the same field. I had a bit more temerity and when we saw the train, I decided that it would be a good idea to jump on it. Of course, Jimin had a little difficulty getting on, falling flat on his face like he did minutes ago, but he managed to find me. He had grabbed the last wagon at the very last minute and hopped on board. One hour later, two policemen brought us back home after they saw us begging for some food in a nearby town in which we had stopped.

Y/n : How come you haven't mentioned anything about it?

Kim Taehyung : Because I haven't had the time to tell you about everything. Of course, we didn't have much time to know each other and everything went so of course some things are going to be left untold.

You were still shook that Taehyung didn't seem to care too much about Jimin, especially since he was wounded and probably dead as you were speaking.

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