Chapter 23 : Old Enemy

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You rolled your eyes as far as you could when you saw who stood in front of you, grinning from ear to ear like a complete idiot, clearly way too happy to see you here. James was wearing his usual work uniform, but nevermind the work he still had to do in order to get paid, he started a conversation with you.

James : Hey, Y/n, fancy seeing you here! I was just going to call you to check in on you!

Y/n : Quit it, weirdo. What the hell do you want?

You didn't have any time for this bullshit, so you tried to get out of his way and exit the supermarket, but as stupid and pervy as he was, he was stronger and bulkier than you, and he was purposely blocking you access to the exit.

James : Woah, woah, woah, he replied, making hand gestures to tell you to calm down, I was just asking you how you were going! We haven't seen you here in a while? What happened to you?

You sigh, exasperated of his attitude. James would never be such a considerate guy and you knew that he had something planned in mind already.

Y/n : I didn't like to see your stupid face everyday. So if you could stop playing the "nice" one, I know you have intentions behind all of this usual fakeness of yours.

James : Oh well, I've missed you a lot.....

He creepily leans in towards you and whispers in your ear things you'd wished never to hear.

James : We both missed you, he whispers, clearly looking downwards.

Pushing him roughly away and hesitating to hit him there, you turn his back to him, in disgust.

Y/n : EW, quit it, or you'll regret even staring at me!

James : Pfff, you don't scare me, still getting closer to you depsite your warnings.

James grabs your arms and turns you to face him, in a scene that feels too familiar once again.

James : I would just like to know where you've been first.

Y/n : FUCKING JAMES, I don't have the time for this, I'm on the run.

You manage to punch his chest hard enough to get free. The powerful punch cuts his breath for an instant as he exales in pain.

James : I didn't mean it like that, he grinned.

You take a moment to analyse his words, then it hits you like a brick. James takes opportunity of your confusion to brush himself off and to act like nothing happened.

Y/n : I've been with...the new student, you say, half lying.

Clearly unsatisfied from this answer, in a second quick attack, he grabs your arm, making you grimace in pain, as he comes way too close for you comfort, brushing his leg against yours.

James : I mean, where have you been, Y/n?

Y/n : He's my boyfriend now, let me go!

James : Well he isn't here for now, might as well teach you a lesson. That you'll always are gonna be mine, no matter who you're with or if you're married or whatever. I WAS THERE FIRST, WHY WON'T YOU LOVE ME INSTEAD?

You realize customers in the close aisle are now looking at you, staring intensly at what seems like a k-drama re-enactment. A little girl shopping with her mother sees this and hides behind her mom's dress, grasping it with her fist. An old man wearing a bowler hat looks at you two weirdly, but he doesn't say a thing and continues shopping in the aisle like nothing was happening. It jist seems way too familiar. The same tomato cans as before stare at you intensly, but they don't say a thing.

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