Chapter 16 : It's Been A Long Time

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The next day you woke up around 8:40. The Sun's early beams were already infiltrating Tae's room, lighting up in a golden light everything it touched. You opened your eyes slowly. You looked at the clock. Still early. Online classes started at 9:30 today. An aroma of warm toast and eggs was floating in the air, making your stomach growl. Tae was still sleeping next you to you, and he held you strongly into his arms. You turned to face him and rested your face into his chest. He was all warm and his breathing was slow and deep, making you sleepy.
Not even 5 minutes had passed until you turned that he started moving a little in his sleep. He opened his eyes slowly, to check if you were still there. He then tried to remove his arms from you, carefully, as he thought you were still asleep and tried to get out of bed, slowly, without waking you up. He was getting dressed up in front of you. He changed clothes and put on a nice shirt with cool pants. You peeked at him, admiring his nice physique. He passed a hand in his grey hair quickly to fix his messed up hair. He blew the rebel strand of hair off his eyes and turned to you, smiling. He was looking hella fresh. He had the hand on the door knob when, seeing you still asleep, he walked towards you. You closed your eyes, faking being asleep. You heard the cloth of his pants crease and uncrease as he came towards you. You could feel his eyes staring at you, as well as his breathing on your neck. You didn't move. He giggled quietly at you and you heard the sound of paper being placed.

Kim Taehyung : Sleep well, little kitten, he whispered.

Then he kissed you on the forehead and left, closing the door behind him, cautiously. The moment he left, you started blushing, but since you had more time for sleep, you decided to get back to sleep a little more, as you had time. But then, you remebered the paper sound and found a small paper near your phone, conviently place so that you'd find it. On it was a series of numbers and a small handwriting was under it, accompanied by two hearts.

Your Tae ❤️❤️

You smiled, happy to know that Tae trusted you enough for you to have his personal phone number. You quickly entered it in your phone. You checked your schedule on Internet and saw that today, the courses would end at 12. You thought about texting Tae.

But then you thought a bit about it.

Maybe he was practicing today......but you really wanted to have that date he sheduled yesterday. Hum....well....maybe you could text him? Well, you could do it later.

You decided to go back to sleep and get a bit of sleep. When you were waken up by your alarm. It was 9:15. You changed yourself and got down to the cafeteria, to find a platter of food on the regular table everyone sat around. It seemed unouched, but looking around, there wasn't any other food. Then you saw another paper, sitting under the plate.

I saved you some food before everyone ate everything (mostly Jin though). I'm busy today, but if you want that planned date later, I'll find time. If it interests you, tell me before 2PM. I'm free after 3. The boys and I have a video to shoot and practice some more.

Tae ❤️

As fast as a bullet, you pulled out your phone. You texted him.

Y/n : Hey Tae! I'm free too! I'd be happy to join you!

You started eating your breakfast. It was delicious, everything was better than what you had ever eaten. Then, 10 minutes later, you heard a small sound coming from your phone.


You opened your phone. It was an answer from Tae.

Kim Taehyung : Cool! See you later, little angel!

You close you phone, happily. You finish eating quickly, and ran back into your room, and log into the online class with your laptop. Today's class was about mastering Korean. It's really boring and you already know about it. You listen with onlh one ear, not caring too much about it. You can't stop looking at the time, since you're so bored. Time passes way way too slowly for you. You were doodling on a blank space of paper, when suddenly, the teacher tells you all to have a good day and then ends the course. You close your laptop and text Tae one last time. He doesn't answer you though. You decide to spend the rest of the day at the park. You put on your brown expensive coat and go outside. You walk to the nearby park, not needing to take the car to go, since it was less than a mile away and you had time to spare. You arrive at the park, after a little walk. It's peacefully quiet since it's a Monday afternoon. There are a few people walking, and some are just resting on the metal benches. There's a small lake in the center of the park. A few ripples caused by the slight breeze spangled the water's surface. The wind blew your hair in every direction and the autumn leaves were already falling and whirling in the wind. You sat down on a bench, enjoying the peace and quietness of the park. You heard another DING! And took your phone to check who it was.

Kim Taehyung : Little angel, where are you?

Y/n : I'm at the park, right now. I have some free time.

The speech bubble popped up, but it disappeared after a few seconds. Then another speech bubble popped up and a text message appeared.

Kim Taehyung : I was scared angel.....I didn't find you! I was searching for you everywhere! I thought something bad had happened to you!

I'm fine, I'm just sitting by the park, chilling.

Kim Taehyung : Oh okay, be careful, kitten. See you later!

See you later, Tae.

You closed your phone and just enjoyed the moment by the park. You closed your eyes, taking some rest. You weren't even a minute, when someone poked your shoulder. You turned around. It was a little old man.

Old man : Sorry young lady, have you seen my hat?

Y/n : I'm sorry sir. I haven't seen any hats.

Old man : It's okay.

He goes away, walking away as fast as an old turtle. You close your eyes again, enjoying the moment. Then about an hour later, bored, you open them again, and continue your walk. It's chilly outside. As you're walking, you see a few couples walking together closely. They all remind you of Tae and you and that thought makes you smile. You're walking around and people seem to be looking at you weirdly. At least fifteen people stop to ask you questions, but you ignore them. You don't even hear them, because you're so focused. You decide to go back to BigHit, since your fingers start to feel numb. The wind is getting stronger, but you still walk, determined to go back to BigHit. You're not even a block away from BigHit when you feel someone poking you again. You turn around, exasperated.

Y/n : What is it this time?

It's a middle aged man, in his fifties, American. He seems confused by your reply in Korean.

Y/n : Do you speak English?

??? : Oh, yeah, sorry. I didn't think you knew how to speak Korean!

Y/n : Who...who are you? Do I know you from somewhere? You seem familiar to me.

??? : It's been a long time since we have seen each other, Y/n.

So who do you think is talking to you? Who is this mysterious individual? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it!


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