Chapter 13 : You'll Remember Me

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The trip to the hospital was the longest trip you've ever experienced. Everyone was silent, you can feel the excitement in the air, surrounding all of you. Everyone was in the black caravan, they apparently owned. Everyone was squeezed, and everyone had their neighbor's elbows in their face, except for the 2 lucky ones who had the seats in the middle. Nobody was in front and the same driver was the same one that drove you and Tae around for your date.

The driver : We're almost here. You're gonna have to go in batches, not all together, it'd be suspicious, Y/n, you're first. Take this. He threw you a jacket.

Kim Taehyung : Oh and take one of my face masks.

He gives you a stylist face mask. You thank him and put it on your face, then put on the jacket. It's very complicated in such a restraint space, while also tied up by the seatbelt, but you manage to do it.

Kim Taehyung : Turn around. She's mine.

You turn to look, but all you see is JHope and Suga, sitting in the front seat, looking in front.

Kim Seok-jin : You know where it is?

Y/n : Of course, I went with Jungkook and Namjoon to the hospital.

Kim Seok-jin : Oh right, it feels like an eternity ago. Take the elevator, close to the nurse's office. And it brings you to the final floor that nobody-

Y/n : I know that too. I went there once.

Kim Seok-jin : Oh really? What happened, he asks, turning to Tae.

Kim Taehyung : Long story about my fans. They basically stampeded all over here to get to me.

Kim Seok-jin : We have pretty agressive fans.

Kim Taehyung : You tell me about it. But the one that matters the most to me is the one I have next to me, at this moment.

Min Yoongi : Your affection makes me sick. Please stop before I puke on one of you.

Kim Taehyung : Shut up, Yoongi-hyung, he says, throwing him a piece of paper that was on the caravan's floor.

Min Yoongi : Stoooppp! It's unfair, he laughs.

When you finally arrive, you remove your seatbelt, but Tae puts a hand on your shoulder, to stop you. You turn to him, surprised.

Kim Taehyung : We need to call the hospital first!

The driver calls the hospital and puts the call on speaker. It takes some time for them to answer, so you have plenty of time to listen to the bad waiting elevator music. When finally someone picks up, the person on the other side of the line answers you with a depressingly boring voice.

The voice : Hello, you have reached the General Hospital of Seoul. Can I do something for you today? If you have an emergency, don't call us, and come see us in person instead, please.

This is probably the most bored person in the world that you've ever heard the voice of.

The driver : No, we don't have an emergency. We're here to visit someone-

The voice : Sir, the hours for the visits on Sundays are 9am to 3pm. Now, we're 3:40. I can't let you in, no exceptions. Do you understand, sir? You're litteraly the fifth person who calls in today JUST for the visit. Can't you read the freaking brochures or the freaking boards we SPECIFICALLY PUT UP indicating the visit hours, he says, utterly annoyed.

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