Chapter 19 : The Other Girl

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You laugh, thinking to yourself that it will be fun to hear.

Kim Namjoon : Okay......everyone's ready?

The muffled voice of Namjoon can be heard through the ceiling.

Jung Hoseok : Yeah.

Min Yoongi : Yeah.

Kim Seok-jin : She's gonna hate me for this....

You hear a sudden and loud slap, and you guess that Jin slapped her.

The girl : OW! Who....who are you? WHO DID THIS? HOSEOK ? YOONGI?

Jung Hoseok : Sorry little one, there's something that we haven't told you....

The girl : What the fuck......Yoongi too?

Min Yoongi : Yeah sorry, little demon.

The girl : What the hell? What's happening? Why am I tied up? WHO ARE YOU? HEY NO, GET AWAY FROM ME.

Kim Seok-jin : Okay, okay, sorry! I thought you might like to be untied, but you seem rather angry so you'll stay there.

The girl : What the fuck guys? What is your secret? Why am I tied up? Oh and you over there. You can go to Hell.

Kim Namjoon : I've heard worst, he says nonchalantly. So. First of all, hi.

The girl : I don't care about your niceness. I want explanations!

Kim Namjoon : I'm Kim Namjoon by the way. Nice to meet you. I'm the leader of BTS.

The girl : No wayyyyyyyy.....I didn't knowwwwwwwww.....she says ironically.

Park Jimin : She's a bit less nice than the other one, he whispers.

The girl : I can hear you, do you know that, Park Jimin?

The girl : Why'd you guys kidnap me ? What have I done?

Kim Namjoon : We had to talk to you. We knew you wouldn't have followed us if we would have told you who we really were.

The girl : Pfffff, following BTS, of COURSE duh. I would follow anyone of you.

Kim Taehyung : That's weird.

The girl : Pfffffff.......

Kim Namjoon : Well we wanted to tell you that.....

The girl : Why are you guys making me sit here. You already know about my existance apparently.


Jeon Jungkook : Oh right. Hehehehe.

The girl : The restaurant was fake right?

Silence. You're in shock. How did she guess it?

Kim Namjoon :'d you know?

The girl : Too nice. Too proper, mostly men there even though it was only 9 pm. One stared at me weirdly and shook his head. Restaurant I had never heard about, and there were no ratings whatsoever on Yelp or Google. Fake address. Way too far away from town to be that full of people at 9pm. You're not that subtle, Namjoon. It was easy. But the knocking out was weird. Kinda surprised me the most.


Min Yoongi : Guys......please get out. Me and Hoseok have to tell you something, baby girl.

You hear footsteps upstairs and you guess that they're going to leave. You hear the door closing and Hoseok continues.

Jung Hoseok : Little one, we can't be together anymore.........

The girl : What.........why?

You hear footsteps going downstairs and the rest of BTS's members' voice whispering to each other their plan. Footsteps come closer to your door and you hear it open. You see a Taehyung tired, confused and morose. His grey hair fall nicely on his eyes and he blows it gently off his eyes to see better. He doesn't say a thing until he closes the door behind him, you stare at him, wondering what had happened.

Kim Taehyung : I told you I was gonna come back soon, kitten.

Y/n : Yeah. is it going with the girl?

Kim Taehyung : Complicated. We'll have to wait and see what Namjoon says about it.

Y/n : Hm.

He climbs on the bed and comes sit next to you. Staring at you.

Kim Taehyung : Hi, he whispers in a low voice.

You chuckle.

Y/n : Hi!

He smiles.

Kim Taehyung : I love you. Did you know that?

Y/n : I knew it Tae, and I love you too.

He gives you a kiss and your two mouths complete each other. You close your eyes, to appreciate the moment fully. Both your tongues intertwine in some sort of weird ballet.

Jung Hoseok : Well, it's because we're big idols and we won't be able to see you as often anymore and there's the military enrolment soon......

Taehyung suddenly backs away from you, as if he were stung by something.

Y/n : What's wrong Tae?

Kim Taehyung : You heard everything?

Y/n : Well yeah?.....

Kim Taehyung : Hm okay well. Anyway, I just wanted to come see you before I was going to sing with the others for her.

Y/n : Oh yeah right!

Kim Taehyung : See you soon.

Y/n : Don't leave me so soon, you say desperately grasping onto him.

Kim Taehyung : I'll be back in no time, kitten.

He kisses you one last time. He grabs you closer to his body and puts a hand on your waist, holding you. While you're both kissing more and more passionately, he puts his hand on your thigh, making his way to your hips as your eyes widen in surprise.

Kim Taehyung : Mm.......I can't leave you without a taste of what will happen later, he whispers.

Y/n : Tae.............don't go...

Kim Taehyung : I'll come back for you later.

Y/n : Finnnnneeeeee......

He leaves you there and closes the door behind, but still waves at you one last time.

Y/n : Oh well, I've got some time to spare.

You put on earphones and listen to music to simply....chill. You can still hear them a bit, singing to the sobbing girl upstairs. You crank the music to the max, as everything seemed to go fine and read a couple pages of a book you liked, but never managed to finish.

Fifteen minutes pass by.

And twenty.

Then you hear a clear sound from somewhere in the building that sends chills through your spine.

A gunshot.

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