Chapter 35: The Guard

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What? Under Jin's guard? What did this mean? You didn't need a babysitter at your age, as you were old enough to make decisions on your own. For example, you knew saying yes to Namjoon was a good decision, despite him being a very deranged individual, acting nice in front of you, but staying a murderer, a psychopath and a creep in his heart. It felt almost like a play, when characters have two personalities for two different groups of people, acting differently with each group, but never being who they truly were. Anyway, Namjoon was a creepy individual. Maybe he just had split personality disorder....Despise that, you thought about his last words "Jin will come guard you". You didn't need the imposingly broad shouldered man to come watch you, because you knew that the room was inescapable. It had only one window and, as you remarked it, after trying to forcefully open it for minutes, you realized that you could only open it from the outside, which was kinda stupid, because it was a window, and windows are supposed to be able to open and close at will. You took a good look around the room. It was rather large in size, probably bigger than two "normal" sized apartments in Seoul together, and probably twice the price, if not three times more. The two lateral walls were painted in a dark grey while all the other walls were painted in a egg shell like white, almost pure white, but not quite. The wood-framed bed was set to face one of the white walls, having also the back of it set up on another white wall. The wind hurled outside in the black night, only "living" presence that could be heard. It was a silence of death. You installed yourself on Namjoon's bed, which, you realized, was big enough for two, proving indeed that he was a man's ladies. His greyish bedsheets still smelled like passion and felt filled to the brim with lust for the many women and girls he had brought in, despite being the most stainless bedsheets you had ever seen. Maybe it was all just in your mind....
Besides the bed were two small night stand, made in a dark oak wood, fitting in the rest of the decor. There wasn)t anything on them, so instead, you went straight to the most precious piece of furniture in Namjoon's room ; his computer. It was a recent model, with all the equipment filling the table it sat on. Many black cables were running in various places and ways, eventually finding their way to a power outlet. You tried not to step on the numerous black snakes while making your way to the famous chair where Namjoon had made so many live-streams. Sitting in it, you opened the computer, as it made a Windows opening sound, resonating through the room, contrasting with the utter silence. After this scaring the living daylights out of you, you tried to open his computer, to see if you'd find anything important, despite knowing too well that Jin could get in at any moment. You took the black computer mouse and clicked on the username Namjoon, only username that could be chosen on the screen. Fuck. It needed a password. You tried the usual password, Kim Namjoon, Namjoon, BTS, 123abc, 123abc456, and at this moment, when you entered the very last digit 6, the computer announced you, with a blaring red alert, that you had only three tries remaining. You had to be clever. So you tried RM, but it didn't work either. There weren't a lot of possibilities, so you tried one more thing Y/n. It didn't work and you had one more try remaining, you looked around, making sure Jin wasn't hiding in sight, ready to jumpscare you and take you back to Namjoon. You typed in Y/n L/n, and at your surprise, the computer opened up. Namjoon's main screen was full of documents, and his background photo was just....of you, probably one of the profile pictures you had posted earlier on this year. But for now, you were on a mission, so you ignored it. On the main page, he had many folders of various songs he was/ had been working on, but one stood out, in its bottom right corner, as it was alone. It was titled simply J.J.T.S.J.J. I had more than twenty attachments linked to it, and it seemed way too shady not to inspect. The moment you doubled clicked on it, loading the program, you heard knocking on the door. Quickly, you closed Namjoon's computer, not caring about saftery mesures, and threw yourself on the bed, just in time before a tall broaded shouldered man entered. Of course, it was Jin. He entered and the very light aroma of rose hit you as he closed the door behind him. You backed up a little, not knowing what the man's intentions were. In case of an agression, you'd be doomed. The well dressed man looked at you, and smiled faintly, but there was something sad in his smile. His all black hair, arranged in a bowl cut were nicely put out. He was very well groomed. There wasn't a slight fold in his clothes. He looked into your soul with his deep black Asian eyes, then lowered his head, not daring to look at you once more.

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