Chapter 27 : One Wounded

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Kim Taehyuhg : Oh fuck, Jimin!

He screamed, running towards his wounded friend, who was having difficulty staying on his feet. Jimin was wobbling on his feet and Tae gently caught him and got him laying down.

Kim Taehyung : Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck....Jimin...What are we supposed to do?

Park Jimin : I'm doing....the work......

You saw that he was trying to hold the side of his chest the best he could, trying to make pression on it, but it simply wasn't working.

Y/n : Do you have something clean, Tae, you say crouching next to the pale wounded man.

Kim Taehyung : Why?

Park Jimin and Y/n : Pressure.

Taehyung looked at the both of you, in surprise. He looked around him to find something clean to help Jimin. Turning his head left and right, all he saw was tall grass and mud tracks left by the van. Jimin was pissing blood at the moment, and the wrong thing put on his wound could kill him, but the right thing could potentially save his life. His pale hands were covered in red blood, guahing from the side of his chest. It smelled like iron, the natural smell of blood and the side of his suit was filled with blood, so much that it was dripping down as a big patch was already staining the unseemingly unstainable black suit.

Y/n : Do you have something under this black suit, Jimin?

Park Jimin : I mean.......I have a white shirt under it, naturally.....

Y/n : Tae, would you mind removing Jimin's white shirt?

Tae understood what was going on currently, so he obeyed, nodding his head to your request. Taehyung removed Jimin's suit, leaving him only in his white shirt. It seemed stained from a side, but not from the other, which was perfect. Removing his shirt was harder though, as Jimin groaned in pain while Taehyung removed it cautiously, one sleeve at the time, to make it less painful for his wounded friend. Finally done, Taehyung gave you Jimin's shirt, putting back again Jimin's suit. It gave you an excuse to look at Jimin for a good minute. The male was more muscular than Taehyung, it seemed, with the usual line, hinting for abs, appearing faintly on his stomach. You understood, with that figure and this smile, why so many fans liked him, but now wasn't the time to think about Jimin's V-line or his pretty figure. You pressed the clean parts of the "white" shirt on Jimin's wound, warning him beforehand.

Y/n : It could hurt a little.

Park Jimin : I'm used to...pain, I'm going to be fine. Just fix me up.

He winced in pain, but after a minute or so, he stopped, being able to endure the pain. The shirt became red quickly, but when you started to make pressure on it, the bleeding seemed to slow down immensely.

Park Jimin : I think...that'll be okay.

He tried to stand up, only wincing in agony, but still trying to stand up, but Taehyung stopped him.

Kim Taehyung : We'll help you out, don't stand up, you wouldn't want to hurt yourself even more.

Park Jimin : Fine, but I don't like being the one who slows down everyone.

Kim Taehyung : Ha ha ha, I know, Jimin, I know.

Y/n : we have a plan? Now that we have no car and carrying a wounded person is going to make it harder for us to escape.

Kim Taehyung : I have an idea. Jimin, tell me, what time do you think it is right now?

Park Jimin : I don't know.....maybe 4 PM?

Kim Taehyung : And do you know where we are?

Park Jimin : Hum not really, since I'm lying on the ground at this moment.

Kim Taehyung : I'll help you look around, gimme a minute. Are you going to be okay?

You make a strong knot with his shirt around his waist to try and make continuous pression on the side of his chest.

Park Jimin : I think that I'll survive, thanks to you both.

Taehyung manages to help Jimin stand on both of his feet, refusing you to help him handling Jimin. An awkward silence makes its place between you three. Jimin looks around, but since he's both wounded and struggling to stand up, and of very short height, he can't see very far away, only seeing more tall grass standing in front of you.

Park Jimin : Well, all I see is this stupid tall grass....

Kim Taehyung : It doesn't remind you of something?

Park Jimin : Should it? Y/n, do you know what the hell your boyfriend is talking about?

Y/n : No clue, you shrugged.

Kim Taehyung : And if I tell you the word "runaway", would that ring a bell?

Jimin's eyes widen, in surprise as his mouth opens like a fish. His mind wandered off in the tall grass, lost in a memory he had burried for so long back when his life was simpler and when he was still an innocent boy. Tae smiled, happy to have made Jimin understand what he was seeing.

Park Jimin : No was here that we....

Kim Taehyung : You don't remember the train?

You heard the long whistling of a train coming from a far, but still getting closer to you, brought to you by the wind which had started blowing gently the tall grass.

Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin : The 4 o'clock train.....

Sorry if it doesn't make ANY sense right now that I'm ending this chapter with such a weird sentence. I'm really busy and I had a few ideas for the next chapter, so I want to end it here before having you back into some more drama. Hope you liked it! See you in the next chapter!


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