Chapter 7 : The First Dance

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You woke up happily today. Yesterday. Oh yesterday was just....amazing. You felt as if you were in a dream. You dreamily ate a fast breakfast, said goodbye to your mom and to your brother and quickly hopped into your car.
You drove quickly to the university, without even being careful about driving. I mean, you could have died there, buddy old pal.

Once arrived, you looked everywhere for him. It was 12 pm and the Sun was high in the sky, giving it's warm rays to the
Earth. It was a beautiful day, birds were chirping, flowers were blooming, and on days like these and people like Tae in your life would make these days wonderful. You were looking for Tae everywhere in the campus, but he didn't seem to be anywhere, even though the course was starting in 10 minutes. Where could a Kpop star be at this moment? Whatever, you thought, he was going to arrive sooner or later. You entered the university all happily. Life was just amazing. Students were looking at you weirdly, and some girls were giving you real mean looks. What were they so angry about?

You had ten minutes to spend, so you sat in class, in your usual seat, and opened your phone. You opened a news app. The first article, and most popular one, was about.......You. And Tae.

Small town girl found three times being close to Kim Taehyung. Is she his girlfriend?

A small town girl, that was rumoured to be called Y/n, has been seen three times a little bit before Kim Taehyung or other BTS members. The first time, she was seen about 5 minutes before Tae exited the hospital. A nurse, who wanted to be kept anonymous and worked over there told us "I've seen Kim Taehyung enter the building holding her into her arms." She was seen exiting the hospital, hours later, with a nurse. The second time, she was seen exiting BTS's private limousine, alone. Someone present in the restaurant at that moment told us that she entered the restaurant, but exited as fast as she entered. The third time, she was seen entering BTS's limo by Tae's side. As seen in the picture below, Kim Taehyung, BTS member is seen opening the door and closing the door for that girl.

Hopefully, the rumours will prove to be wrong, as many of Kim Taehyung's fans won't be too happy about it. We interviewed a "V stan" as she calls herself.

Interviewer : So, if the rumours turn out to be true what will you do?

V stan : I just wish for the best for Kim Taehyung. He's old enough to date whoever he wants, the ARMY must give him a bit of space! I mean, everyone in BTS is so scared of exposing their love life, as they don't want the ARMY to leave them. For a Kpop group, that's really stressing. There have been rumours and ARMY leaving for a simple object found once in one of the dorms, hidden, but when ARMY quickly realized what it was, ARMY have been speculating all sort of different things.

Interviewer : So you don't mind them dating other people?

V stan : Not really. We have to respect them. If you don't think they should date anyone, you're not a real ARMY. Real ARMY would be happy for V.

The interview continued for another page, bur you didn't want to read it. Right below the interview, there were three pictures, one of you exiting the hospital, one of you exiting V's limo to go to the "restaurant" and one of you entering V's limo by Tae's side. You asked yourself how they took these pictures, since Namjoon told you that everyone in the restaurant was on their side and Tae brought you to the limo way late in the night. Who could have taken the pictures?

The course started. You looked everywhere, but you couldn't see Tae anywhere ; his desk was inoccupied and he wasn't anywhere else in the class. Where could he be?

Mrs. Lee : Good afternoon class! I hope you've enjoyed the fact that I didn't give you homework yesterday. Open your books at page 65. Today we're going to learn about the whole and detailed process of the oxydation of metal. Quite a fascinating subject if you ask me.

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