Chapter 40 : The Date

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"Jungkook" fell on the ground like a brick, close to Jin. The bulky man didn't move a muscle and laid still, very convincingly on the ground next to Jeokook. A thick red liquid oozed from Jeokook's head and on the nice flooring. His eyes, wide open in shock became blank, fixing at some point without any goal in mind. A bullet had pierced his head, and this time, it was for real. He was a hundred percent dead, not moving. Namjoon's gun was still fuming, lowing it and putting it in his right pocket, despite it still being hot. The leader looked...unsettling. A speck of craziness haunted his face.

Kim Namjoon : Jin and now Jungkook. WHAT A NICE DAY, IT IS!

You backed away from him and backed enough so that you could be behind Jin's "dead" body. The man could protect you from Namjoon if he became too violent.

Kim Namjoon : I'm giving you five more minutes, Y/n. This is PLENTY of time to get yourself together, he said as he closed the door behind him, not caring about the two dead bodies on the floor.

The door now closed and with the hope that Namjoon wouldn't come back, Jin stood up. He flipped Jungkook over and checked for a pulse. After a few seconds of searching, Jin nodded negatively. You didn't care much for this guy's death, but it still made you feel something. How in the world would Namjoon explain this to the ARMY?

Y/n : What are we going to do?

Kim Seok-Jin : Not we, YOU. YOU are going to go to the date with this guy, escape before the end, and come join me at the place. Then, we both get out of this Hell. Is this alright with you?

Y/n : What? Jin, you're letting me on my own with HIM?

Kim Seok-Jin : Yeah, why not? Furthermore, if I can recall, I'm not supposed to be alive.

Y/n : Fuck....I really don't want to go!

Kim Seok-Jin : Don't worry, the man's got nothing on you. He's had his killing for the day and he's in a happy mood. Also, he wouldn't let anyone hurt you. Do you know where the place is?

Y/n : Yeah, I know.

Kim Seok-Jin : Perfect. I'll see you there. I'll wait for you, Y/n. See you later and good luck.

Y/n : Yeah thanks.....

You got out in the corridor. Turning a couple of times, you found the "garage" where all the cars were. This was too reminiscent of Taehyung and you. Hopefully, it wouldn't end the same way, in his car. Namjoon was waiting next to an expensive car, probably worth more than your entire house. You got in and he drove you to the restaurant. It was a silent ride. This time the restaurant was in town. The moment you got out, paparazzis started taking pictures while asking questions both in Korean and in a broken English. You entered and a waiter dressed in black and white came. He seemed shocked to have such high class clients, but nevertheless, he brought you to the "nicest table of the town".

You sat down, in front of Namjoon. Reddish candles nicely lit up the place. A big window was on your side, showing the city. It was almost nighttime and the Sun was playing hide and seek with the skyscrapers, tainting them in red.

Kim Namjoon : It's pretty, huh?

You nodded.

Kim Namjoon : Not as pretty as you.

Y/n : Thanks.

You didn't say anything else to him, staying cold to the man who opened his heart to you. You didn't want to open your heart to him. The man was crazy, so you were scared that he would do anything to you.

Kim Namjoon : My princess, do you want to check the menu?

Y/n : Yeah sure! I'd love to.

He gave you a menu. Everything looked amazing and delicious. The simple pictures were mouthwatering. You looked at the prices and almost had a heart attack. Nothing on the menu was worth less than fifty US dollars, converting it quickly in your mind.

You made your mind on a filet mignon triple A class, with a side of caviar, that cost eighty dollars. Namjoon made his mind on an omlet made of quail egg with esturgeon eggs. It was a rich kid's casual food, but for you, it was something expensive. Namjoon ordered and took on the side a 1994 red wine that costed more than 200 bucks. He had quite the expensive tastes.

You waited, in order not to make yourself suspicious and had a little chat with Namjoon before excusing yourself to the bathroom. He smiled faintly, but didn't insist on your whereabouts and he just let you go, without questioning it too much. You smiled, pulled down your dress for good mesure and headed for the bathroom.

This was your chance.

To run away.

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