Chapter 39 : Stop

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Kim Seok-Jin : Great!

You hear knocking on the door and a voice resonates from the other side. The soft yet raspy voice of lust and passion.

Jeon Jungkook : Baby, hurry. Namjoon wants you ready and in his car in five minutes....

You look at Jin, disgusted, but he just answers by rolling his eyes. Then, his eyes widen. He remembers that he's supposed to be "dead" and that if Jungkook sees him alive, he's 100% sure to die, since Jungkook's going to snitch on Jin the minute he sees him alive.

Y/n : Yeah, yeah...huh give me a minute, I'm changing!

Jin silently lies back down on the floor, finding the exact spot he was laying on when he got "shot" and closes his eyes. He's already livid white, scared to death of the Golden Maknae, which makes him even more credible. You open a cabinet, to make it look like you were searching for something. 10/10 acting if I can say so myself.

You look inside of it and begin to rumble around, searching for nothing in particular.

The door opens.

Jungkook's bulky silhouette detaches itself from the bright corridor, as he is leaning on the side of the door, feet crossed. He doesn't seem to be bothered by the dead body on the floor and by the fake blood staining the floor.

Jeon Jungkook : Looking for something, pretty?

Y/n : Huh....yeah....I'm searching for more proper shoes than these, but I can't seem to find any.

Jeon Jungkook : Let me help you.

He steps over the dead figure, not minding getting dirty in front of it.

Jeon Jungkook : Yeah they're just a bit higher, let me help you.

He steps closer to you, his back on yours. This is way, way too close for your liking. It becomes way too close when his hips brush against yours, as he's trying to reach for something. You can feel everything through your dress and it's absolutely disgusting. He's already hard as a rock. One of his hands finally grabs something, maybe the shoes you're presumably looking for, but the other slides down like a snake down your arm, then down your side and finally down your leg. You try to move, but you realize that he's got you stuck between him and the closet. And he's a very strong guy, so you can struggle all you want, it doesn't matter.

Jeon Jungkook : Pretty thing you are tonight, Y/n. It's sad, really, that you have to dress up so nicely for a guy like Namjoon, he whispers seductively.

Y/n : I'd rather be with him than with you.

He chuckes. Throwing the shoes on the ground, liberating both of his hands, he doesn't excuse himself and with his hand on your leg, he starts to go up. He places his other hand on your mouth. You try to bite him, scream, whatever, but the sounds come out as muffled, thus, not alerting Jin.

Jeon Jungkook : Namjoon doesn't know what's his, really, but you, Y/n, you know you're mine.

His hand goes up your dress, going up your thigh, almost reaching your underwear. You scream, you cry, but nothing comes out loudly of your throat. From the corner of your eye, you can see Jin getting up on his feet, ready to tackle him down. You just want him to stop this as quickly as possible.

Jeon Jungkook : Tell me, why did you dress so sexily for him? Or was it just to tease me baby?

He removed his hand from your thigh, which is relieving, but mere seconds later, you hear the sound of a belt unbuckling. This asshole is really going to do it to you. But then, you hear another sound in the distance, like someone marching down the corridor. From the corner of your eye, you see Jin getting back on the ground, laying dead once again. Why the fuck doesn't he come help you? You hear the sound of metal clinking over your shoulder as Jungkook throws his belt on the ground. From the sound, he's probably now halfway complete with removing his pants.

Jeon Jungkook : I bet it's Suga or Hoseok, he whispers, continuing to remove his pants and now grabbing your butt cheek, the other one still on your mouth to shut you up.

Kim Namjoon : You've bet wrong.

It was the only moment that you've wanted to hear Namjoon's voice, ever.

Kim Namjoon : I asked you to go bring her to me, unharmed. I didn't say you could fuck my little princess. Remove your gross hands from her for the last time, Jungkook.

But Jungkook's pretty determined to fucking you right now and so, he just groans back to Namjoon, continuing to remove clothing, even in front of Namjoon. He grabs your butt cheek harder, not wanting to let it go.

Kim Namjoon : I said remove your hands from her.


Kim Namjoon : Min Jeokook, remove your fucking hands from her. I won't tell you one last time. It will be your last time.

Min Jeokook : Why the fuck did you just tell them my real-

Kim Namjoon : I SAID, REMOVE YOUR FUCKING HANDS, he screams, now seeing red.

Min Jeokook : Namjoon, I am not your little servant anymore. I'll do whatever I want, even if I disobey your stupid and useless orders.

Kim Namjoon : Fine, you were kinda useless anyway, "Jungkook".

Min Jeokook : What-


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