Chapter 25 : Your Dull Eyes

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You woke up some hours later, when the Moon was still half up in the dark sky, still in Tae's arms. His breathing was slow and regular and his chest was moving up and down slightly. His hand wasn't petting your head, and as you looked dully at him, you realized that he was sleeping. Turning around carefully not to wake up Tae, you were now facing Jimin, to see what he was up to, still held closely to Tae's chest. Jimin was still driving and you now only realized that you were in movement, as he was druving very cautiously. At this point you realized that he was probably very tired and as he heard you, he pulled over to the exit, going in some place's parking lot to get some sleep. He was about to lower his seat to sleep, when he realized that you were awake.

Park Jimin : Oh, hello, Y/n, he whispered. You should get some more sleep, it's only 3 AM and I think we're far enough from these jerks.

You just started at him, without saying a thing. You wanted to talk to him so badly and tell him what had happened, tell him that it was all your fault, tell him that you were sorry, tell him.....

But you didn't. You stayed there in utter silence, looking at him with those same void filled eyes, only blinking a few times.

Park Jimin : Taehyung told me...for what happened. I'm truely sorry.....If you want to talk about it, make me sign, I'll be glad to help you.


Taehyung had arrived at the exact moment, saving you. You'd knew it'd take you a couple of days to assimilate what had happened and to move on from it, but it was okay.

Park Jimin : Well, you're not up for speaking, I see. I'll go to sleep. Goodnight, Y/n. I hope you'll feel better later, and that you'll talk to Taehyung.....he was crying like a baby telling me how he "didn't protect her well enough" or "I didn't get to her in time" or "it's all my fault, and she's now broken because of me". He's got very few people he can count on, and you're one of them. I hope for you that it'll be better. I need you and Taehyung needs you even more.... See you tomorrow....

You looked at him, with great sadness in your eyes and Jimin sensed that, as he had a gift with those kind of untold things.

Park Jimin : It's not your fault, I'll tell you that. Don't make yourself responsible for what happened, it's that stupid boy that's fully responsible.

He leaned his seat back, and started sleeping, probably exhausted from all this driving. You look at Taehyung. He was like an angel in the night, yet something felt heartbreaking in the way he was sleeping, protecting you, but feeling guilty for what had happened. You closed your eyes and drifted back to sleep.

About 6 hours later, you were awaken by the sunlight in your face, still as strongly held by Taehyung. He was brushing off your head, in a repetitive manner, still in silence, not talking to Jimin who was driving, yet again. Jimin nor Taehyung did mention what had happened last night. Everything was so silent and the tension and the sadness was so heavy in the air.

Kim Taehyung : Oh hey, Y/n, he spoke in his deep voice.

You stayed there, not saying a thing, just looking at him. A simple look at your empty eyes and Taehyung started crying again, feeling way too emotional. This time, instead of staying there, you fought back your demons and gave him a hug, wrapping your hands the best you could on both sides of his chest. Tae gave you your hug back, as he held you tightly.

Kim Taehyung : I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, baby.....I wasn't fast enough to come save you, he sobbed.

You tighten your hug, as he cried silently, letting free his tears. Jimin looked in the back mirror and smiled compassionately to the both of you.

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