Chapter 30 : All Alone

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So now, you were all alone. Great. You felt like crying. So you did. You felt asleep, alone and wishing Tae was besides you while Jimin would make stupid remarks about you.

The night passed by.

It was a cood night and you barely slept. You missed them both so much.

The days were useless for you, so you just lyied down all day and all night, barely moving, watching the scenery go by. Everlasting fields made their place to lascivious forests then to small towns then to big cities.

The days passed by.

The nights passed by.

Finally the train stopped. You didn't know where you were and it was early morning. Apparently, you were in a big town, full of people. It was cold and the sun was still low in the sky. You were slowly waking up and you heard people busily working around, emptying the wagons full of marchandise. You heard footsteps coming closer, in a sound of gravel being crunched.

A worker : HEY, what are you doing here? GET OFF.

You quickly ran away in this new city you were an absolute stranger to. Buildings were sky high and it was brand new. It wasn't like the city you grew to like where BigHit was installed. It was a big smaller, but you couldn't see recognize anything old. Maybe you were even more north? It wouldn't be that much time spent though.... Confused, you stopped to stare. At least, as you realized quickly enough, that you were still in Korea, all thanks to all those small businesses, which were all labeled in Korean. There were a lot of people here and in the west, there were beautiful beaches that kept on going on. You stopped someone on the beach, sitting in a chair, relaxing, white as a sheet with his sunscreen on and questionned him about your location. The man looked at you weirdly, probably wondering where you came from with your untidy clothes, your sad expression and the general look you had that made people in the street stop and avoid you.

A man on the beach : Well, we're in Busan, what did you think? That we were on Mars?

You walked around, really confused. Busan was a really far away town from where you had started and the hope of finding a familiar face was almost none. Especially Tae's and Jimin's.

You were wandering around when you saw two people sitting on a bench, waiting for a bus, that seemed really strange. They had all identical clothes, black glasses, black caps and wearing black hospital masks that hid most of their face. One seemed somewhat familiar to you. You didn't pay much attention to it and RAN THE FASTEST YOU COULD IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION. You turned a corner, looked back and you were happy to see that they didn't follow you at all, so you went back on that street and walked towards them, not scared.

They were both listening to some music, head bopping to the beat, almost in sync. Nothing to worry about. Of course, all this thing with escaping from the rest of BTS had made you a bit paranoiac, but it seemed that you were stressed for nothing, since you walked passed them and nothing happened. It was just some regular people waiting for their bus.

You didn't even walk five meters that you felt someone grasping your shoulder. You tried to turn back. Maybe you had forgotten or lost something, but you didn't feel good and you weren't able to turn back. You were stuck now on both of your sides. You tried to get free, but it was impossible. The two all in black dressed men forced you to walk forwards and you absolutely hated it. Then the voices you heard sent chills down your side as you recognized it immediately.

Jeon Jungkook : Hey pretty baby....did you miss me?

Kim Namjoon : Now...where are your little friends?

THEY. ARE. BACK. I hope you liked that chapter, even though it was really short. Two in one day is tiring but it's fine, I really like posting them. Anyway, do you think you'll ever find Tae and Jimin? (Fun fact : That part was written in an hour)

Also, I gotta say that someone gave me a good idea for the ending 😈
And that same person, who knows who they are, finds Taehyung useless 😂


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