Chapter 5 : The Restaurant

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Y/n : Yeah?

Kim Taehyung : I'll have to tell you in private. But you must not show any emotions.

Y/n : Huh.....Okay?

The rest of the trip to the restaurant was in silence, except for the few times you looked at him to check if he was okay, to which he always smiled back to you and said "I'm okay don't worry",as he seemed to know what was bothering you. When you arrived at the restaurant, V told you that you should go first. You opened the door quickly and closed it just as fast. You barely got out when paparazzis started to take pictures. You were blinded by them. You walked to the entrance and by the time you got inside, paparazzis stopped taking pictures. You weren't valuable enough for them. You opened the door. The restaurant was full. People were talking, eating, and it was generally busy. Your stomach grumbled. You felt someone poking you, you turned to see that person, but by the time you turned, that person was gone. It seemed like a rather tall man, wearing a simple black shirt, black jeans and white Converse. The man was wearing black all the way, it seemed. He was hiding his face with sunglasses, a black cap that was hiding red hair and a black hospital mask. You didn't have the time to see his face when he went into the kitchen, took one last look at you and disappeared into the kitchen. Who was that? You looked around. Nobody seemed to have noticed the strange man walking away. You decided to follow him. You quickly walked into the kitchen to catch him. The man opened another door at the end of the kitchen and got into a white limo. You walked down to the limo that was still there, opened the door, and saw the man sitting there calmly, apparently waiting for you.

??? : Oh Y/n, we've been expecting you, he said in a perfect English.

You were shocked as nobody in your town had ever talked to you in English. Even James. How did he know you could speak English fluently, and most important, who was this man?

Y/n : Who the hell are you? And what do you mean by "we"?

??? : You'll know soon enough. Come with me.

Y/n : No way, no way, no way. I've have my dose of action for today. And where's Taehyung?

??? : You'll know that too. I'm sorry.

Y/n : Why are YOU sorry? You haven't-

You couldn't finish that sentence when someone put a piece of cloth over your mouth, full if chloroform. You tried to struggle out of their grasp, but the person was too strong, despite being only slightly taller than you.

??? : Shuuuushh Y/n. We won't hurt you, said the person that held you.

The person had a high pitched voice, but was still a male's voice. He couldn't speak very well in English so he talked to the other guy in korean. Who the hell were they?

??? : Wait a bit. Give her about 3 more minutes.

What? Who was that guy? Who was he? What the fuck was happening right now? Kidnapped again?

??? : Sure, hyung.

You tried desperately to get out of that guy's grasp, but was unable to do so. Who were these two guys? The guy holding you only tightened his grasp when you struggled.
And about 3 minutes later, as the first guy said, you passed out.

??? : Hyung, she fainted.

??? : I know. As I told you.

??? : Hyung, I really don't like it. It feels wrong to kidnap her.

??? : We must do it. She knows too much already.

You felt yourself transported into the back of the car, buckled up carefully and you drove off as the voices talked to each other.

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