Chapter 42 : Get Out

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You really wanted to say no, but you knew that it couldn't be good for either you or him. He was smiling too purely for your liking. You almost had pity for him, but you faked completely your reaction, as the thought of escaping made itself more and more present in your mind. You just hoped he would buy it and not be too suspicious. So you fake cried, surprised that it worked so well on Namjoon.

Y/n : Namjoon! Of course!

The all smiles man stood up from the ground and put the tiny ring on your middle finger. The light bounced in the diamonds, flaring them up in the dim light of the restaurant. You were now a married woman. To a murderer, also. Your mom would be proud of you. Since she wasn't there to judge you, it didn't matter much. Plus, she wouldn't understand the reasons of your doings. Now was the time to seal the deal, but since it was the last thing you'd do with this weirdo, you didn't care and accepted the kiss. It was short, but effective, as Namjoon took dominance over your lips. The gracious ballet of your tongues was almost making it good.

Kim Namjoon : I didn't know you felt this way too, princess, he exhaled as he broke the kiss.

Y/n : Yeah, I did, Joon, you giggled.

Kim Namjoon : Let's finish this meal then.

Y/n : The first thing I want to do as your wife is to go to the bathroom, you joked.

Kim Namjoon : I'll be waiting for you, Mrs. Kim, he laughed.

You smiled one last time at the leader of all this organization and walked to the bathrooms, pushed the door open, and since it was an automatic door, it closee itself slowly. Counting the time it took for it to close fully, you decided it to run it. You opened it the fastest you could from the outside of the bathrooms and bolted in the kitchen. Tons of chefs were handling different foods, at different stations. A flame rose from a pan as a chef nicely mixed it's contents and lowered the fire. You pushed people and chefs screamed at you for being here. On the way to the exit, you almost managed to make a server drop his plates, but he caught them back in a lighting quick speed. It was a pushable door, so you easily got out without an alarm blaring off. Automatic doors these days can save your life. You got on foot to the place Jin had told you to go. You turned many street corners and found yourself in a questionable neighbourhood. People looked menacing already, looking at you with a mixture of confusion and superiority.

It was freezing cold outside, and especially with that dress, which you tried to pull down the best you could to avoid some perverted looks. You turned an other street corner and found the place where Jin told you to go. Well, place was a big word, it was just a big abandoned bunker. You looked twice at the paper to make sure you were at the right place, but you were. Telling yourself it couldn't be better than this, you entered. There was a single table in the middle of the room. You felt someone's eyes staring you down and you got on your guard, not wanting to wake up, attached to a chair one more time. You felt a presence behind you and you wanted to punch them right in the face, but the person was faster than you and took you by the shoulder, spinning you around to face them.

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