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You followed the landlady into the building, your footsteps echoing as you both reached the door. She turned to you, smiling warmly like a grandma to her grandchild. "This is it. Your roomate is very nice, I'm sure you'll love him."

She rang the doorbell and after a few seconds it opened, revealing a guy in his early twenties. It seems like he just finished taking a bath because his hair was damp and his shirt was hanging loose like he had just threw it on. He gave you and the landlady a smile that didn't reach his eyes, but she didn't seem to notice it. You bowed a little smiling back at the boy.

"I hope you two get along well." The landlady placed a hand on your shoulder before turning around and walking away. You watched her leave, then turned to the boy infront of you.

His smile has already disappeared, and was replaced by the most unwelcoming look you've ever seen. "Get inside before a rodent comes in."

You got inside, shutting the door behind you and taking off your shoes. He gestured for you to come follow him and took a seat infront of a white wooden table.

You kept standing, the silence was too awkward you didn't dare move. In an attempt to make this better, you tried to start a conversation. "Heyyyy..."

"There are a couple of ground rules you have to follow if you're willing to have the two of us live comfortable under the same roof. You already know we both split the rent and electricity bills." He started and you nodded in agreement, watching as his eyes scanned you from top to bottom, followed by a sigh. "Since you're a girl, I trust that you won't be telling anyone that we live together. You must've seen me in articles before and know that I'm a widely viewed public figure. I have a reputation to keep."

"You are?" You mumbled, truly clueless as to who this guy infront of you was. He heard you, but shrugged it off. The less you know about him, the better.

He stood up and walked to the kitchen, you following a few four feet behind. "You're not allowed to bring any friends over without my consent. The downstairs bathroom is yours, so don't come int mine. My room is on the left upstairs and you are forbidden to go there. The left half of the cabinets and the two stoves on the left are mine; we'll share the oven. Don't ever touch my food in the fridge, I label my containers so you can't miss it. Don't call me and mind your own business, any issues that come up you'll have to deal with them yourself. Oh, and don't walk around with just a towel after bathing-"

"Hold up," You cut him off and he looked at you bitterly. "Isn't this too much? I need to add some things too-"

"No, you don't. I just finished anyway." He turned around, walking upstairs to his room and shutting the door.

This guy definitely has his way of making people hate him. 

You exhaled in frusturation, pulling your belongings upstairs to the room on the right and throwing everything inside. You unpacked some of your clothes, covered your bed with your sheets and pillow and placed a lamp and a few other things on your night stand. You opened your room door, about to head downstairs to get yourself a glass of water but the boy's voice stopped you in your tracks.

"You." He called out, making  you turn to him. "Don't leave the tap openunnecessarily and turn off your room lights when you're out. Don't leave theplugs open when you're not using them. When you wash your clothes, don't washthem with mine and don't leave them in the dryer after you're done."

He turned around, about to enter his room but you stopped him. 

"You." You called out to him and he stopped, but didn't bother turning to you. "What's your name or am I not allowed to ask that either?"

"Jeon Jungkook." He walked into the room and shut the door, not bothering to ask for your name.

You got yourself that glass of water and gulped it down, crawling onto your bed and burying your face into your sheets. Your phone rang and you pulled it out, checking the caller's ID before picking up. 

"Dad~" You whined to the other line, sighing in frusturation.

"Did you move in safely?" Your father asked for the other end.

"I moved in safely, but I don't think I'll live safely in this house." You ran fingers through your hair. It hasn't been a full day since you've met Jeon Jungkook for the first time, and you were already hating it. "Do you have any patients right now?"

"I'm on lunch break but my schedule's pretty tight. I called to make sure you're okay but it doesn't seem like it, am I right?"

"I might have just moved in with the worst person in the entire animal species. I'm going to the hospital now. I'll drop by your office to vent."


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I'm out.

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now