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"How about.." Jungkook clicked his tongue, thinking. "The amusement park?"

Chapter 47: Will You Be Willing?

After the first trial has finished, Jungkook stepped out of the court room, resting his head on the wall and exhaling a shaky breath. It wasn't everyday that he went against his father so boldly, and to be honest, he was so scared he felt his shaky knees about to give up on him any second.

He straightened his suit, standing straight again. He's shown no fear in court, and he could do it again, just until he got the hell out of this building. His footsteps were quick, making their way to the elevator. He took a turn, only to stand face to face with the person he wanted to see the least.

His father had his hands in his pockets, his lawyer and men right by his shoulders. Jungkook held his breath, trying not to break eye contact. They looked at each other for a few seconds, and would've probably stayed like that if someone hasn't said something.

"Can you move?" Jungkook had his teeth clenched as he spoke, not rudely though. "I have a place to go."

Jungkook's father and his men seemed to be holding their ground, and Jungkook wasn't going to move for them either, the hallway was wide enough for them to pass him easily. Jungkook sighed, walking forward and pushing through them nonchalantly.

He climbed onto the elevator, pressing the button to the parking floor and watching as the door closed slowly, the big men in black suits disappearing behind them. Jungkook exhaled again, waiting for the elevator to the parking.

The elevator opened with a ding and Jungkook walked to his car, climbing on and inserting the key, turning it. The engine roared with life and Jungkook rested his head forward on the steering wheel, breathing in and out.

He reached over to the built-in screen on the car, dialling you and setting it on hands-free mode as he started to drive off. It rang for a little while before you picked up.

"Hello~" Jungkook said cutely, smiling but you couldn't see.

"Hey, did you finish the trial?" You asked as you huffed, clearly walking. "Did it go well?"

"Things are looking good." Jungkook tapped the steering wheel with a rhythm. "Let's celebrate with some ice-cream."

"Sure. I'm already out so where should we meet?"

"How about.." Jungkook clicked his tongue, thinking. "The amusement park?"


Jungkook watched as you approached him, intertwining his fingers with yours as soon as you reached him, swinging your arms back and forth in excitement. "I've always wanted to go on an amusement park date, and wear matching headbands, go on frightening roller coasters, watch fireworks, kiss under the stars."

"Wear matching couple outfits." You added, clicking your fingers.

Jungkook looked down at your clothes, then at his, frowning. He grabbed your arm and walked in the opposite direction of the amusement park. "Let's go."

"Where are we going?" You asked in confused as you walked with Jungkook to wherever he was taking you.

"Here." Jungkook stopped, not 2 minutes after you started walking, pointing at a store. "It sells some pretty cool looking clothes."

Jungkook walked inside, eyeing the clothes hung up. You looked at them, then at the graffiti walls. "This is a street-style clothes shop?"

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now