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"Hello, Jeon Jungkook." Namjoon's girlfriend smiled, the girl both boys once fought for "Its been a long time."

Chapter 35: She's My Girlfriend

The sun rays beamed on Jungkook and Yoongi's faces as they searched the area for cars around the convenience store where Xiumin went that night.

"Here." Yoongi walked over to a black car that was parked on the other side of the road, facing the store "You think they have their blackbox on?"

"You think the car was here that night?" Jungkook rubbed his chin and shrugged his shoulders "It's worth a shot."

A female came out of the building next to where the car was parked. Jungkook couldn't see her very well because of the sunlight that hit his eyes, but he watched as she hung up the phone and unlocked the car with her remote.

"Excuse me," Jungkook stepped forward into the shadow "Does this car belong to y–"

Jungkook stopped, now having a good view of the woman in front of him. She saw him too and stopped in her tracks.

"Hello, Jeon Jungkook." Namjoon's girlfriend smiled, the girl both boys once fought for "Its been a long time."

"Yuri, I swear to god I will kill you." You said through gritted teeth as you both left the hair salon after having your hair fixed and dyed.

"You look so pretty with this short hair." She touched your hair that hung somewhere around three and a half to four inches below your ears. "Plus, you look a lot prettier now that your hair is brown again. Better than that... bird's nest.. or hay."

"Yuri.." You growled and she shook her hands, surrendering.

You both climbed on the bus, heading to Yuri's favourite cafe for a cup of coffee.

"I would like to see your car's blackbox." Jungkook said as he sat in front of Namjoon's girlfriend, Li Soo, at a cafe and sipped his drink.

"That's understandable." She nodded "but I need to know why."

"Business stuff." Jungkook shrugged his shoulders, earning a chuckled from Li Soo.

"Ah, you're still so cute." She reached forward and pinched his cheeks.

"I'm only here for one thing." Jungkook removed her hand gently "I just need a video from your blackbox."

"Yah, we're childhood friends!" She laughed and ruffled his hair "You don't have to be so serious–"

"What blind date, Yuri? I'm so not going on a blind date.." A familiar voice said as the bell on top of the cafe's door rang, signalling the arrival of another customer.

Jungkook's eyes instantly shot in your direction, then his mouth dropped in shock. You haven't even noticed him there, until his loud voice broke through the chatters of everyone in the cafe "Your.. hair."

All heads instantly turned to him, and he dropped his head low in shame. You and Yuri blinked at each other then looked in Jungkook's direction.

"Oh no he didn't." Yuri walked up to Jungkook, pulling his face upwards harshly so that he faces her. She eyes Li Soo, then looked back at Jungkook "You did not just ignore y/n's calls for.. her."

"Who are you?" Li Soo knitted her eyebrows in confusion.

"I did not." Jungkook ran fingers through his hair and stood up "That's not what happened. My phone died after I got a call from Yoongi yesterday and I didn't get the time to charge it. I wasn't ignoring her."

"Then why did you storm out, huh?" Yuri placed a hand on her hip "Do you know how she felt about that?"

"I was mad–"

"Yuri, enough." You whispered to her trying to pull her back "We aren't even dating so don't do this. What happened to the shy and quiet Yuri I once knew?"

"Who..?" Li Soo looked at them in confusion

"Y/n, this is Li Soo.. Namjoon's girlfriend." Jungkook explained as you widened your eyes "Li Soo, this is y/n–"

"I'm his fri–"

"She's my girlfriend"

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