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The train swung unnaturally as bodies flew on top of each other, clashing with the walls. People started to bicker and question what was going on. Until a voice, louder than all, sent chills through everyone "Train Segment 9 is on fire!!"

Chapter 32: The Cursed Memories

Your boots clicked against the floor as you entered a small empty noodles shop, greeting the woman on the cashier then taking a seat at one of the tables. This shop was said to have been here for 20 years, you might just somehow get to some answers.

"How can I help you?" The thin woman that sat in front of the cashier walked up to you. She had long brown hair and wore a red Chinese cheongsam.

"I'll take these." You pointed at two items on the menu, watching as the lady turned "And do you happen to keep newspapers from last year?"

The woman stopped, turning to you. "Which date exactly?"

"Seventh of June?"

She shook her head "We don't have it. What exactly are you looking for?"

"I was wondering if anything unusual happened that day, like an accident or murder or fire?" You watched as she thought about it for a little, then looked at you.

"An accident did happen." She nodded "A train accident near Han River. The train caught fire, and fell into the river. Not many survived."

You nodded, thinking about it then looked up at her "Thanks. Can I have this as takeout?"

Jungkook's phone rang, he looked over at the caller ID and, seeing it was you, he answered. "Hello?"

"Did you get anything from your father?" You asked

"Other than being told I was a waste of oxygen? No." Jungkook sighed, then grunted as the nurse treated his wound. The nurse got up, bowed and left.

"I've gotten information about something, though I'm not sure it's related to you. Do you happen to remember anything about a train accident?"

Jungkook was about to say he didn't if it wasn't for the piece of memory that flashed before his eyes. A train accident happened to be oddly familiar, followed by a fuzz of blue reflection.

"Jungkook?" You called after a moments of silence

"Was there water?" Jungkook asked

"Yes. The train fell into Han River. Do you know anything about it?"

"I-I'm not sure. I'll get going now. Im hanging up." Jungkook pressed the red button on his phone, then fell back on his bed. He got up to wash his face, an aching feeling growing in his heart. He turned back around, grabbing the photograph of the high school boy.

Train. Accident. Water. Murder?

Sirens echoed in his head, as a part of the faded memory.

[ One Year Ago ]

"Yeah, I said I'm on my way." Jungkook sighed in frustration "I'm hanging up."

He looked out the window as the train crossed over the Han River then put his head back and shut his eyes, trying to rest.

"Is this seat taken?" Jungkook opened his eyes to a high school student smiling and pointing at the seat next to Jungkook.

"Go ahead." Jungkook put his backpack over his face to block the light.

"Yah, hyung!" The high school boy shouted at his older brother, joking about something only the two of them understood "I told you I'm going to live forev–"

The train swung unnaturally as bodies flew on top of each other, clashing with the walls. People started to bicker and question what was going on. Until a voice, louder than all, sent chills through everyone "Train Segment 9 is on fire!!"

Shouts of worry echoed through the air as everyone jumped up to their feet, grabbing their friends or belongings. The train swung again, this time plunging into the river with a screech. The train sank in the water, slowly getting filled as people panicked.

"Everyone grab hold of a bag!" And with that, they broke the windows open, throwing everyone into the river.

People tried to swim to the surface, grabbing the floating bags for their life. Jungkook's hand caught one as he pulled at it to get himself up. The same high school boy from earlier was clinging onto it too for dear life.

The bag started to sink, not able to hold both of them, yet neither of them was brave enough to let go.

The boy's hand slipped, and he sunk down the river, his arms flailing as he tried to swim up, but he couldn't. Jungkook's eyes widened as his vision blurred at the panicking boy, who sunk down even further.

The last thing Jungkook could hear was the sound of sirens as harbour patrols stopped to save the victims before he lost consciousness.

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now