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"It really hurts when I move." He breathed, looking at you "I don't think I can drink it myself. Can you help me?"

Chapter 27: Attention Seeking Jeon Jungkook

"Wow, just.. wow." Jungkook chuckles sarcastically as you enter his hotel room. He looks at his watch then up to you. "Six hours, y/n, six hours since I got hospitalised and one hour since I woke and you're only arriving now?"

You stop in your tracks, blinking then smile awkwardly, holding up the plastic bag in your hand. "I got jjajangmyeon (black bean noodles)?"

Jungkook leans forward, snatching the plastic bag from your hand "That's no excuse. I'm still mad."

"Sure, whatever." You push him and then sit down, but jump in surprise when Jungkook starts to grunt loudly hold the area just below his ribs "Are you okay?"

"You..pushed me really hard." Jungkook breathed in pain, then looked up at you "I need water."

You got up and out of the hospital room to get Jungkook water, bumping into Yoongi who was standing at the doorway the whole time.

"Jungkook," Yoongi sighed when you were gone, looking at Jungkook who stopped faking his pain as soon as you left. "Such an attention seeker."

Jungkook hushed him, lifting his hand jokingly as if he was going to hit him. You came back, and he quickly put his hand back on his wound again. You pushed forward the bottle of water, and he stretched his hand to take it, but gave out a fake cry of pain instead.

"It really hurts when I move." He breathed, looking at you "I don't think I can drink it myself. Can you help me?"

You sighed, turning the bottle cap and walking closer to Jungkook, placing the bottle against his lips and lifting it gentle. His Adam's apple bobbed as he gulped down, resting his hand on your arm to tell you that he drank enough. You pulled the bottle back and placed the cap on again.

"Aren't we going to eat this?" You pulled a plate of jjajangmyeon from the plastic bag and turned to Jungkook, who was looking at you with big eyes, and sighed. You pulled out a pair of chopsticks and picked up some of the noodles with it, holding them in front of Jungkook's opened mouth until Yoongi's voice stopped you.

"He can't eat." Yoongi walked forward and tapped the sign that was hanging on the railing of his hospital bed, which showed that Jungkook can't eat for the next 24 hours. Jungkook's eyes widened at the news and he attempted to bite the noodles that were still held in front of him but you pulled back the chopsticks quickly and Jungkook's shoulders dropped in disappointment.

Yoongi walked back to his place near the doorway with his arms crossed in front of his chest, sighed as he shook his head at Jungkook and left, shutting the door behind him.

"I want to sleep but.." Jungkook tried to stretch his arm at the direction of his blanket, which was wrapped around his feet, but couldn't. He looked at you with glistening eyes. "I'm really cold."

You picked up the blanket and Jungkook laid back in his bed as you covered him. He was looking up at you as you tucked him in and you turned to him. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Jungkook pressed his lips together "You must be tired too. I made you do a lot of things."

"I'm fin–" You tried to say but Jungkook didn't listen as he grabbed your arm and pulled you next to him on the bed, your head on his arm.

"Don't misunderstand." Jungkook said as he covered you "I'm just paying back my debt so don't get your hopes up too high."

"Well, you don't have to-" You tried to get up but Jungkook pulled you back down, locking his arms around you so that you don't escape. He closed his eyes, going to sleep, as if to tell you he wasn't listening to your stupid argument.

Little by little, your eyelids got heavy and weighted down, surrendering you to sleep.

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now