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Jungkook let himself fall back, his head hitting the soft pillow. His eyes clouded with thoughts of his middle school days. He knew all to well about betrayal. Why is it always the people closest to him that hurt him?

Chapter 29: What Friend?

Jungkook sat up on his hospital bed, his blanket laying on the bottom half of his body as he watched Prosecutor Na take a seat next to him and push forward a folder. He took a hold of it and opened it as she started to explain.

"In 1983 there was a high school rape case that was sent to our company." Prosecutor Na tapped on a paper in the file. It was a statement of the events that occurred with Jungkook's mother name signed at the end. "Our corrupted Chief Prosecutor was in charge of the case then, and the rapist came from a high income family therefore the statement was declared false and the case was closed."

Jungkook looked up from the papers "What do you suggest?"

"That guy has a criminal history and had several encounters with your mother before her death. It might be possible that he tried to get revenge from your mother for taking it to court, but holding a grudge for over ten years is a bit.." Prosecutor Na clicked her tongue, looking around the room then at Jungkook "However, it is possible that the case was to be brought up again once you testify, which might explain the murder attempt."

"I don't think so." Jungkook ran fingers through his hair and exhaled "The guy's figure looked young, and he moved too well for a fifty year old."

"Then think about it." Prosecutor Na got up, gathering her papers. "Think about anyone who has a relation between you and your mother or father, someone who despises you. Could even be a close friend, so keep an eye out. About Xiumin, I've called his lawyer to come meet you and tell you about all the details. You can come to the trial as the victim, but that's going to have little impact on the case since you don't have any evidence it wasn't him."

Jungkook nodded, looking up at her "I'll do that."

Jungkook let himself fall back, his head hitting the soft pillow. His eyes clouded with thoughts of his middle school days. He knew all to well about betrayal. Why is it always the people closest to him that hurt him?


"Is it true? Did Jungkook really get stabbed?" Namjoon asked with interest as he looked at you walking next to him.

You hummed and nodded, looking forward "I don't understand why that happened, or who did it."

"I bet it's his father." Namjoon snapped his fingers and watched as you gave him a confused look. "No way. Don't you know? Jungkook's father's been abusing him for years now. One day, his father shot his mother and Jungkook lied to the police because he was threatened and told them his father didn't do it. I saw him with the prosecutor before so I was sure he was going to confess and boom! He got stabbed."

You blinked, trying to take it all in as Namjoon continued "I'm sure Jeon Enterprise will get taken down if Jungkook's father gets jailed."

"Jeon Enterprise?" You choked in shock as you halted in your step, Namjoon looking back at you and nodding casually. "How do you know all this?"

"Oh, Jungkook and I were close in middle school." Namjoon scratched the back of his head "but then he got all cold with me when I told the girl that he liked about everything I just told you."

"Why would you so that? If he wanted he would've told her at his own pace–"

"He wasn't going to tell her, ever. He knows he messed up and he was just going to hide that from her. She cut contact with him after she heard that."

You stared in disbelief at Namjoon who spoke as if ruining his friend's life was the most normal thing in the world. He looked at you and shrugged his shoulders. Your phone rang, the name Jerkook popped up, a name you gave him when you first moved in. You looked at Namjoon a little more before speaking again "I'll get going."

Namjoon nodded, dimples appearing on both cheeks as he waved with one hand, his other in the pocket of his tuxedo. He watched as you left and pulled out his phone, looking at the photo of the girl he stole from Jungkook.

"I did well." He told himself as he nodded, looking at the photo of him and his girlfriend. "I did well."

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now