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"If you really do care about your sister, then why'd you come back?" Jungkook looked up and fumed "Aren't you just making things harder on her when you leave?"

Chapter 12: The Final Farewell (?)

Your phone lit up and your sleepy eyes winced from the light radiating off.

Are you busy?
Want to grab dinner tonight?

You turned it off and got up, grabbing you clothes and heading to the shower. When you came out Jungkook was on the couch sipping his drink.

"Don't you have University stuff today?"

He scoffed at 'University stuff' and continued to look at his laptop "I'm off today."

"That's possible? You get time off Uni? I thought people stayed at Uni 24/7."

"Sure." He got up and walked to his room, still sipping his drink. "You wouldn't know."

What's it with him?

You watched as Min-syuk walked down the stairs, glancing at Jungkook as he passed him. Jungkook was very unwelcoming when Min-syuk came, not the best first impression. Min-syuk yawned as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, his hair a bird's nest.

"Hey, you have the day of, right?" Min-syuk jumped forward, making his hair bob. "Let's go shopping or watch a movie or something. Mom transferred my allowance to my credit card."

"I have dinner tonight."

"We aren't gonna stay out late. Just a movie and some shopping until your dinner."

Min-syuk's enthusiasm was too much to turn down, so you agreed. What's the worst that can happen, right?

** Jungkook's P.O.V **

I don't know where I went wrong. I looked down at the clothes filling the dryer and sighed. I specifically told her not to leave her clothes in the dryer so I can use it afterwards.

Of course, she's out now, so she gets away with it.

I grab the big fuzz of clothes from the dryer and plop them on the couch outside. After I'm done putting my clothes in and turning it on, I sit down next to the clothes and start folding them. There goes my weekend.

My phone rings, and I reach over and answer the call, not checking who it was.


There was silence. An uncomfortable one. "Mm? Mm? Where are your manners?"

I jumped off the couch, shocked. "Father why are you calling me at this time?"

I put my shoes on and headed to the front door. If I was found here, I was dead meat. My hands latched around the front door handle and I turned it open, only to reveal my father in front of me.

"I'm on university break." This was my defence, my only one.

He looked at me and sighed "Yeah it looks like you've been on break the whole week, isn't it?"

His hands wrapped around a small coat holder at the side of the doorway and looked at me. "Get down."

When I said I'd be dead meat, I meant it.



Min-syuk took off his shoes and walked inside as he stretched. He looked down at Jungkook, who was sitting in front of the coffee table drinking soju.

"You want?" He asked, no mocking in his voice.

Min-syuk shook his head, as he wasn't supposed to be drinking in his condition. He sat down in front of Jungkook and sighed.

"Where is she?" Jungkook broke the silence.

"Dinner with that Namchun guy." Min-syuk yawned, putting his head on the table.

Jungkook pressed his lips together, wanting to ask something but not sure if he should. He looked at Min-syuk. "If.. Why did you come back for her?"

"Y/n?" Min-syuk sat up and smiled. "I just wanted to be a better brother. I didn't.. I didn't want the last thing between us to be hatred or grudge. If I didn't do it now then it would've been too late. I have a lot of other things I want to do for once, but I wanted to do this first, since it's the priority."

"Are you even cured? It sure doesn't seem like it. You take a million syringes and a hundred pills and you have pipes inside you when you sleep."

"No." Min-syuk laughed. "I've been sick for over 15 years, what makes you think I'm going to get better? My pills are all just pain killers, and the rest are so I can live as long as possible. Why do you think I'm doing all this?"

"You're not.. going to make it?" Jungkook asked in a small voice, though it came out more as a statement. "Then why are you doing this?"

"If you really do care about your sister, then why'd you come back?" Jungkook looked up and fumed "Aren't you just making things harder on her when you leave?"

Jungkook knew he didn't have the right to shout at Min-syuk, who only had good intentions, especially in a matter that doesn't involve him, but just for a second there it felt like a dagger pierced his heart just thinking about y/n.

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now