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"You should be a detective, y/n. You seem to figure out the things I don't want anyone to."

Chapter 21: What is this feeling?

You slumped downstairs, dressed and ready to go to your classes. You grabbed your mug that was next to Jungkook's on the rack, and poured in some orange juice. A white fuzz grabbed the hem of your pants and pulled at it.

"Gureum, what is it?" You tried to pick up Jungkook's dog but he growled, ordering to be put down this instant.

You sighed. Like owner, like dog.

Gureum tugged harder and barked, and you stared at him in confusion. Don't dogs do that in movies when they want to show someone something? You knelt down in front of Gureum "Do you want to show me something?"

Gureum barked as if he understood every single word and bolted off, you following behind. This is what your life has come to; you were following a dog's orders. Gureum stopped in front of Jungkook's room and pushed the door open. For some odd reason, there was a nest of Jungkook's pillow.

The nest groaned.

Correction: it wasn't a nest, but Jungkook's hair.

You walked towards the groaning Jungkook-with-nest-hair and stopped next to his bed, looking down at his pale skin, his lips colourless.

"Jungkook." You shook the boy, trying to get him up "Why are you still in bed?"

Jungkook's eyes stayed shut, not a single flinch or movement. You sat next to him on the bed, and tried to shake him again.

"Jungkoo–" You placed a hand on his head and quickly pulled it away for the sudden heat that felt like it would burn your hand. You placed your hand again, this time aware of just how serious this was.

"I can't believe I have to write notes for you." Yuri groaned jokingly on the other line "Just ditch that Jeon Jungkook guy and come~"

"I can't really do that this time." You sighed jokingly "Jungkook isn't as strong as he claims to be."

"Alright, alright. I'll get going, class is about to start."

You hung up the phone and turned, walking down the hallway to Jungkook's hospital room. You cracked the door open a little bit and glimpsed Ireum inside.

"You aren't going to apologise to her?" Jungkook's weak voice asked "I know you're regretting it."

"Yah! I'm not regretting it at all" Ireum jumped up like a kid. "You have too many friends, Jungkook. I feel like I'm going to be forgotten. You don't even hang out with Taehyung or Namjoon anymore, despite how close you guys were in middle school."

"That depends on you too, Ireum." Jungkook argued "You need to start depending on your self more now. You aren't the five year old who cried about her father's death anymore."

Ireum slumped down on the chair, nodded with her head down "Right? I grew up thinking you were the only lifeline I can hang on to." She sighed, as she lightly knocked her head against the wall multiple times "People are misunderstanding."

"Okay." Ireum jumped up suddenly "I'll apologise to y/n, then to.. Oh, forget it. I can't do it."

"Ireum." Jungkook sighed and dropped his head back on his pillow, giving up. Ireum slumped back down and buried her face in her hands. "You know if this was a story then you'd be the character everyone hates."

"Hey!" Ireum jumped up again, this time grabbing a pillow and hitting Jungkook with it. "Take that back, I'd be a pretty loveable character, unlike you."

You watched as the two laughed and bickered, like an annoying older brother and his little sister who takes after him, a smile forming on your lips. You stepped aside so that you were no longer in front of the door and put your head back, staying there for what felt like half an hour.

"Hey, you, person." Ireum, who just stepped out of the hospital room, called out to you "You can go see him now."

You watched as she left, then turned back to the hospital room, opening the door and quietly going inside. Jungkook lay peacefully on the hospital bed, his eyes shut and his breaths quiet. You stood in front of the hospital bed, looking down at Jungkook sleeping peacefully.

You were about to turn to leave, seeing that your presence was unneeded, but he grabbed your wrist and you turned to him. "Why is it that you always see me in my worst state?"

"You should be a detective, y/n. You seem to figure out the things I don't want anyone to."

"Not like I want to either." You scoffed at the sick boy "It's like someone keeps me tangled up with you. I want mercy."

"And yet you stay, y/n." Jungkook smiled mischievously as he sat up "You secretly like me, don't you? I know, I know. I'm irresistible."

"Psht, you wish." You pushed his face back so that he landed back on his pillow, watching as you left the room.

Jungkook placed a hand on his heart and turned so that he was facing the wall. He thought for a second, then buried his face in his pillow and kicked his legs. Come to your senses, Jeon Jungkook.

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now