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"Min-syuk.." Jungkook's voice trailed off, and he swallowed the lump in his throat. He brushed away his caring attitude as he let go of your arm "He'll be fine."

Chapter Sixteen: What is hope?

Min-syuk wasn't dying, but he wasn't living either.

He was stuck in a cursed state between life and death, what people call a comatose. A word too simple for its wicked purpose.

"He didn't want it." His doctor told you, gazing at Min-syuk's sleeping state "He said he wasn't going to die, that he refuses to die, although he believed it."

Your eyes were puffy and your mouth was inhaling and exhaling air in exchange of your red stuffed nose. You held the handkerchief in your hand tightly, guilt pouring in you for all that you've put him through.

"We'll always be a family, right?"

He wasn't going to wake up, his brain was slowly dying too. There was no hope, not a single bit, for how could a boy that has been sick from birth be expected to live any longer? 23 years, he lived. A blessing for us, a curse for him. How he held on for that long, none of you knew.

He was an idiot, a strong one.

"Go home," Min-syuk's fried said, sitting on the chair next to the hospital bed. "If anything happens, you'll be the first one I dial, so don't worry."

Your footsteps were heavy as you slumped away, your weak hand reaching out for a taxi. You got inside, gazing into emptiness the whole ride back. You even forgot to thank the driver after getting out.

Who knows? That might've been the driver's last day too.

You tapped the passcode, and got inside, taking off your shoes and stopping. You looked at Jungkook, who sat with his laptop on the coffee table. He seemed fine now, but maybe he was going to die in his sleep tonight.

Why is it that one second we're alive, and the next we're gone? Why is it that we suffer as we live, but slip away so easily?

"What is it?" Jungkook said with his grumpy voice, cutting your train of depressing thoughts off, the train that was on his way to depths of Tartarus.

You ignored him. Whether it was because you had no energy, or you simple didn't want to be talked to, you didn't know, but you ignored him anyway. You stepped forward, about to go to your room, but remembered it was Min-syuk's for the time-being. It was Min-syuk's but Min-syuk would no longer sleep there.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked, a worried tone in his voice. A tone you would once questioned, but not now, for now..

For now what? For now you mourn on someone who is not yet dead. For now you cut and blame yourself for the way you've treated Min-syuk, rather than trying to figure out how to make it up to him if he does wake up.

But there is no hope. Min-syuk was not yet dead, but he was dying, and it was a fact.

So once again you put your head down, and slump forward, upstairs. Maybe you'll keep going upstairs until you reach heaven, but that was rather unlikely.

"Where's Min-syuk?" Jungkook asked, still in confusion of this silence. You used to bicker, sprout insults at each other, but now you didn't. Your silence was unsettling, for in this silence held much more that it seemed.

Jungkook stepped forward, grabbing your arm and turning you around so that you could face him. You didn't fight, the stubborn child gone. You didn't speak, but watched as Jungkook looked into your eyes, trying to unfold them.

But as you looked into his eyes too, you saw that there wasn't much shock in them, you saw that he knew what you didn't.

You saw that he knew how Min-syuk suffered when you didn't.

For that, there could've been anger, anger that Jungkook hid a secret this important, but there wasn't. Min-syuk knew, but he didn't tell, because he knew the pain wouldn't go by easily.

Min-syuk, that bundle of undiscovered happiness, how he hopped and his hair bobbed as he did so, how he smiled through the pain, just to heal the wounds of others,

How Min-syuk suffered more than we did, yet he never complained, and watched as others fumed if their makeup wasn't right that day, or if they just got rejected, how he did so, we may never know.

"Min-syuk.." Jungkook's voice trailed off, and he swallowed the lump in his throat. He brushed away his caring attitude as he let go of your arm "He'll be fine."

You watched as he walked by, up to his room. He was no different than Min-syuk. He hides too.

Jungkook too needs to be taken care of, he's fragile too.

You walked up to Min-syuk's room and plopped yourself on the bed. You looked out through the window at the stars, how they shined.

Jungkook sat under his covers as he opened his phone, searching on How to deal with deaths.

The first result came up as a wikihow page, and he put his phone down. Does wikihow even work?

His hands opened his bedside drawer and he pulled out an envelope with your name on it. He caressed it, and put it back gently.


Jungkook brushed his hair back, looking down after scolding Min-syuk for coming for y/n only to leave again.

"I know." Min-syuk said silently "But she's still my sister."

"Jungkook-ah," Min-syuk pushed himself forward, putting a letter in front of Jungkook "This is a list of things I've wanted to do, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to complete it so... Can you give it to her when it's time? Tell her to do them all for me, and to enjoy every moment of it."

Jungkook held the envelope, looking down at it.

"Jungkook," Min-syuk called again Jungkook looked up "Take care of my sister. Oh, and.."

"Move somewhere else!" Min-syuk stood up, grabbing a pillow from the couch and hitting Jungkook with it. "What kind of guy lives with a girl so shamelessly?"

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now