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Right. It's none of his business and he couldn't careless. Sure.

'Couldn't care less' your foot. He made a fuss about hygiene and all because he 'couldn't care less', right?

Maybe you should sign him up with your therapist. He seems to really need it.

You kicked the pavement in front of your house and instantly regretted it when your foot exploaded in pain. You sat down on the porch and sipped your cola, sighing at what you'll have to go through during your stay here.

The cold night air gently caressed your skin, making your body shiver all over. The light from the lamp post above you pierced through the darkness of the night, illuminating the neighborhood.

You heard footsteps behind you, the house door shutting after they have stepped out. You turned, looking at Jungkook who was glued to his phone, probably not noticing you as he stepped off the porch and onto the street.

He tapped on his phone for a little, then pressed it next to his ear. He exhaled in frusturation when the other side didn't pick up his call. He turned around, clearly given up, but a car stopped in front of you, it's tires screeching. He turned to the sound, and you could see his eyes drop a little at the sight of it.

It was dark in there, so you couldn't see who was inside, but you knew he had a really large build. The figure spoke, his voice so deep it could swallow you whole, even if the words weren't directed at you. "Get inside."

Jungkook's head was hung low as he followed the man's orders without argument. He stepped inside of the car obediently, the car driving off as soon as he shut the door. You got up, dusting your clothes and walking back inside. Jungkook was gone now, and you had the quiet house all to yourself.

Your stomach rumbled, as if complaining about how you treated it. You sighed at the little demanding thing inside your body, pulling out a pack of instant tteokbokki. You emptied the contents into the package and poured in water, then placed it in the microwave.

You devoured your meal as soon as it was ready, then hopped on the couch in exhaustion and turned on the TV. Slowly the noise faded and your eyelids got heavy before dropping shut, plunging you into deep sleep.


Your eyes fluttered open to your shivering body, the coldness stinging your bare arms as you rubbed them for warmth. You sat up, noticing that all the lights were turned off and the TV was no longer on. You yawned as you made your way up the stairs and was standing in front of your bedroom door when you glanced at the direction of Jungkook's room.

There was a towel on the floor, and you squinted to make out the red splotches on them. It was dark and you were sleepy, so you couldn't make out what it was. You shrugged it off and walked into your room, hopping on the bed and covering yourself with the duvet.


It happened again. 

You woke up soaked in sweat, breathing heavily due to what you just say. You couldn't remember it, but it felt horryifying. You turned to the window, getting up and opening it for some air. The sunlight creeped in at brightened up the room. You sat on the bed for a little and ran fingers through your hair before getting up to take a shower to calm yourself.

When you were done showering downstairs and getting dressed, you noticed that the towel from the previous night was gone.

Was Jungkook already awake?

You dried you hair with your towel as you walked to the kitchen to grab breakfast. You placed your towel on your shoulders and made some coffee, sitting down at the table. Jungkook appeared out of nowhere and sat in front of you.

"You." He said and you looked up from your phone that you've just pulled out, your teeth gritted. "What univerity do you go to? If we attend the same when then you'd have to be careful not to run into m-"

"Don't worry about it." You got up and placed your cup in the dishwasher.

"Hey, you." He followed after you, waiting for his question to be answered.

"I don't go to university, not anymore." You stopped and turned to him. He looked a bit taken back at your answer; he wasn't expecting it. "Do I have to tell you the exact time I go to the bathroon next?"

You turned around and walked back to your room, grabbing your laptop and bag  before hurrying to the front door and putting on your heels. You had to get to work before the store opens.

You took the bus to the nearest bus stop, walking a few feet before reaching the store's back door. You pulled out your keycard and unlocked it, the glass door sliding open in front of you. You left your bag and laptop on your desk before turning to the short boy that was sitting down on a chair.

"Sunbae-nim." He smiled and you frowned back, watching him as he ate gummy bears. "My dear sunbae-nim who is younger than me."

"Jimin, why are you slacking off?" You looked at him and he stood up instantly, as if saying he's ready to work. "What are you wearing?" 

"This is a designer shop." He smoothed out his street style clothes and looked up at you. "People should think we know what we're doing."

You opened your mouth to speak but one of your collegues called you. "Y/N, come help out in the front."

You mouthed to Jimin to get changed and he frowned, turning to another senior to ask him about his clothing style. You walked to the front of the shop to help out with the sales.

"Hey, Y/N." One of your seniors called out and you turned to him. "Seoul Fashion Week is coming up, so you'll have to go to the studio again this week to model some clothes. Don't forget to do so, alright?"

You nodded before turning back to the customer that just came in, greeting them.

Hey, everyone! I'm back (not like I left)!
Do you guys like this story so far? I mean nothing happened but XD
Anyways, here's a picture to bless your day
I'm out x

___________________________________________Hey, everyone! I'm back (not like I left)!Do you guys like this story so far? I mean nothing happened but XDAnyways, here's a picture to bless your dayI'm out x

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HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now