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Kneeling over the toilet, you felt the acidic liquid escape your stomach through your pipe without consent, sending a burning sensation through you. When you thought it was over you moved your face away, but then it came again, and your stomach twisted in pain.

You stood up and washed your face, ignoring the texts from your therapist that made your phone ring over and over. Yes, you missed the previous day's appointment but he's texting you like you've gone missing.

Your footsteps echoed through the silence of the empty house. Jungkook has already left for college, and you would've left for work if it wasn't for your stomach that twisted and turned, refusing to have any food any it.

You couldn't blame it. It was you who made it do so.

Jimin's been asked to model the male's clothing, so they'll be able to occupy themselves while you're not there, and the shop has enough workers within it. It was not professional to take an unauthorised leave, but you didn't want to go.

You were walking up the stairs to your room when your phone beeped again. Although you were sure it was from your therapist, you looked anyway.

It was not.

Instead, it was the landlady who seemed to have created a groupchat with you, her and Jungkook and was asking if anyone was home because she'll have to drop by and check up on a wire or something.

You said you were and she replied that she'll be there in five minutes.

Your footsteps tapped against the stairs as you continued to walk up, but your attention was instantly drawn by a sound that came from Jungkook's room. You stopped in your tracks, listening.


You looked at the door that was now swaying, the faint sound suddenly back. You could've sworn you heard a little sneeze. You knew that you shouldn't be going into Jungkook's room, but your feet took the wheel and were walking on their own.

You were nudging the door open a little bit and peeking inside when something fluffy wrapped itself around your feet. You stared down at the fuzzy puppy, your eyes wide.

The doorbell rang and you cursed under your breath, picking up the animal and panicking for a mere second before saying your prayers and putting him in one of the kitchen cabinets.

The things you have to go through because of Jeon Jungkook.

You rushed to the door and swung it open with a wide smile. You greeted her and watched as she made her way in, looking through some cables here and there. "Is the electricity working well?"

"Yes, especially in the cabinets so you don't have to check there." You nodded agressively.

"There's electriciy in the cabinets?" She mumbled to herself before turning to you. "If it stops working tell me immediately, alright?"

"Of course." She walked back to the door and you followed after her. "This was such a short visit, you shouldn't have come all the way I could've just checked for you."

"It's just because an important matter came up with my team but I guess things are fine here."

She said her goodbyes, and as soon as she stepped out of the door, you closed it shut and ran to the cabinet to take out the poor animal. You picked it up and looked into its eyes. "Let's murder Jungkook, okay?"


Jungkook rushed home as soon as his lessons where over. Halfway through class he saw the texts and fear rushed through him. By the time he came home, it's already been hours since the landlady came, so anything that could've gone down would've already happened.

When Jungkook first moved into this house, he signed a contract of agreement that had a couple of rules. He remembers it clearly, the bold NO PETS rule. He remembers when he found that little puppy hurt on the streets and took him in.

Now, that puppy could be gone.

Jungkook took off his shoes in a hurry, ignoring you who was sitting quietly at the table and rushed to his room. He walked in, looked around, panick rising inside of him. He turned back around, walking back down the stairs and straight to you.

"H-Hey.. you." He stuttered, not sure whether or not to reveal his secrets.

"The name's Y/N. Chae Y/N." You looked up at him with big sad eyes. "She took him."

Jungkook exhaled a shaky breath, his face turning crimson red and he turned around, hiding his face. Your eyes widened and stood up in panic. "Holy- Are you crying? I was just joking, he's in the kitchen drinking water."

As soon as he heard that Jungkook rushed to the kitchen and picked up his furry friend, who seemed to be bothered after being interrupted of his peaceful drinking session.

"You..Y/N.." Jungkook's head slowly turned to you, the way ghosts do in a horror movie. "What made you think that was a good idea?"

"I don't know, your rudeness maybe?" You shrugged your shoulders at him. "A thank you would've been nice."

"A thank you for what?" He scoffed at you, as if you said something wrong. "Almost giving me a heart attack?"

"If you put it that way, I saved you from an actual heart attack." You turned around, not being able to deal with this overwhelming amount of ungratefulness. 

You walked up to your room, leaving Jeon Jerkook to his animal. You walked inside and plopped on your desk, picking up your calendar and sighing. Tomorrow, your mother arrives. Next week, your mother leaves and Min-syuk arrives.

Since when can Min-syuk travel on his own? 

You knew; it wasn't his fault he's gotten sick, but you hated it. You hated all the love and attention he got. You hated how he pretended it was all fine. You hated how your mother loved him and not you.

You were her little useless puppet, he was her little cute puppy.

You hated how, all these years, Min-syuk didn't ask about you once. Not how you're doing, not a single letter.

So why the hell now, Min-syuk?

Why, hello, dearest readers. XD Thoughts on this chapter?
Should I post two chapters? I feel like this is taking long haha.
I still have things to change and chapters to write, if I manage those then I'll start posting two chapters from now on.
For now, enjoy!

Edit: "Your feet took the wheel" asdfjk

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Edit: "Your feet took the wheel" asdfjk


HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now