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"Your mother's death case. I'm looking into it again."

Chapter 20: The Truth Untold

Yuri's eyes tore away from her textbooks to greet the new customer. She bowed slightly as he entered with both his hands in the pockets of his black jacket, it's hoodie covering half his face. She sat back down, eyes watching as he went from isle to another, picking up a can of beer then examining it.

His eyes travelled to meet hers, a glint of mischievousness in them. Maybe it was because of how ruthlessly he looked at her that her hands automatically travelled to the emergency button under the counter, hovering over it cautiously. He walked to the front counter, taking his time in every step, as if he had all the time in his hands.

He put the beer down with a thump, his eyes still gazing at Yuri's. She hesitated as she lifted away from the button to scan the product's code. He pointed to the pack of cigarettes behind her, gesturing for her to bring one to the counter.

"I'll have to see your ID–"

"Do I look like a high schooler to you?" He scoffed, his piercing gaze sending chills through her.

"Hey, man." A second man who's presence Yuri hasn't noticed from the death stares of the customer spoke, tapping the counter "Show your stupid ID and pay already, you're blocking the way."

The suspicious guy filled with rage and would've flipped, but instead his eyes travelled to the CCTV behind Yuri on the wall and huffed, showing his ID and paying, then stomping out.

"Thank you." Yuri's voice was low as she scanned his item's code.

"What for?" The second guy was expressionless as he poked a hole in his drink with the straw, sipping as he left the convenience store.

The second guy walked forward, putting one foot in front of the other slowly as he put on his earphones and turned on a soft tune. He stared off into nothingness as he sipped his drink, letting his thoughts evaporate into the night sky.

"Jeon Jungkook," He heard through his earphones and stopped, taking them out and looking around. He spotted a black car parked next to the curb and walked forward.

A woman with short hair looked out of the window at Jungkook who stopped in front of the car. She looked up at him and said "We're reinvestigating it."

"What is it?" Jungkook said coldly as he stared at the woman in the car. He was melting inside, because in reality, he knew exactly what she was talking about. It's been ten years since he's last seen her, but she still looks just as young and healthy.

"Your mother's death case. I'm looking into again." She sat, leaning forward through the car's window "Jungkook, please, I know you know something, so don't hesitate to tell us."

Jungkook shook his head "I've told you everything I knew back then, prosecutor. I would appreciate it if you leave me alone now."

"Jungkook," She called out but he ignored, walking away from her as far as possible. He kept walking, and took turns and walked some more.

He halted in his steps, knowing that he wasn't going anywhere. He, no matter how much he wanted, couldn't run away from the prosecutor, he couldn't run away from himself. He slammed his back against the wall and sunk to his knees.

"Coward." He spat at himself before bursting into tears, the vulnerable side he worked so hard to hide finally showing. The horrors of that rainy day finally came back after years of blocking them out, and worse were the horrors of the lies he told.

"Coward." He said again, this time burying his face in his hands. Long gone was the cold boy with no respect, and now, on the cold streets with his back pressed against a wall, sat a sobbing and vulnerable boy filled with guilt and regret.

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now